Walk the Plank
WALK THE PLANK is a dark comedy/social commentary narrative short that follows late-night show host, Cliff Stone, and his attentive assistant Nikki. Cliff has brought his program to the top ... Read allWALK THE PLANK is a dark comedy/social commentary narrative short that follows late-night show host, Cliff Stone, and his attentive assistant Nikki. Cliff has brought his program to the top in ratings with the show's popular segment, "Walk the Plank," where individuals who have g... Read allWALK THE PLANK is a dark comedy/social commentary narrative short that follows late-night show host, Cliff Stone, and his attentive assistant Nikki. Cliff has brought his program to the top in ratings with the show's popular segment, "Walk the Plank," where individuals who have gone viral for their public wrongdoings are brought onto the show and must let the audience... Read all