A stay at home NEET find himself reincarnated into a fantasy world. He is now Prince Reinhardt, whose pitiful level of magic leads to his parents abandoning him in a forest. It turns out the device only shows two digits of his power; far from being level 02 he is level 1002! He can't use all magic though; just barrier magic. He quickly learns how to use this to survive and defeat most foes. Still he'd rather return to being a hikikomori. He grows older and makes various friends who join him on various adventures... not surprisingly these friends are female.
If you've matched other isekai series you'll have a good idea what to expect. If you enjoy the genre this is a fun enough example. It provides humour and action along with fairly likably protagonists. Of course the fact that it is typical isekai means it will probably be forgotten not long after it is finished... not that it matters as it passes the time nicely while watching. The animation and character designs are of a decent standard. Overall I wouldn't say it is a must watch but it passes the time well enough if you are an isekai fan.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.