In 2012, Egoraptor created one of the longest running series in the history of series. That is Game Grumps and it has had literally thousands of individual videos devoted to it. It started off with JonTron and then to Dan. I've seen about the first thousand. Okay, that's not all of them but you have to admit that's still pretty impressive. What makes this show (can I call it that?) so great it that it just has funny conversations that go on forever.
The conversations can range from literally every topic imaginable. There's absurd topics like "Buffalo buffalo buffalo" and criticism of Mother Theresa. A lot of it's related to the games, but it can still be anything. To even describe this series is hard to do as there's an infinite number of jokes. There might be more funny moments in this than anything ever created. One joke that comes to mind is one of the "Mega Man" games with the freeze cracker joke.
It helps that everything about this is so real. As far as I know, it's completely unscripted. It's just crazy to look at every single video game that these people have ever played. I think the longest running was the "Sonic The Hedgehog" which ended after over a 100 videos! They STILL didn't beat the game! I've been watching these videos forever and they always entertain me! ****