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- Reviewenstein
- 31 de jan. de 2025
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Through the decades of cinema, there are movies that you enjoy most, movies that you love most, movies that you remember most, movies that you refer most but this one is different. To understand and to appreciate this movie you need to have guts. You need to have passions. You need to have knowledge about what it talks about. It's a movies that blends with the art makers want to deliver to you! Before starting to watch this movie remember that you don't have to expect anything from this movie and I want to warn all of you that don't expect that this movie is a thriller one! It's a movie that can bend your mind!
- mufskapasi
- 23 de jan. de 2025
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- Filmyhype
- 27 de jan. de 2025
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I cannot lie, it's not the best film I have ever seen in my life, but I feel that is necessary. The message that it sends is really important and I feel that people here saying it's not worth it are talking through their priviledge. As I said, it's not the best out there but not the worst either, I personally like slow burn stories so I enjoyed this one, but it's true that the storyline develops really slowly. I really liked the photography too, I liked the colors and the angles, and I think that they are weel thought so they can add to the story. At first I was thinking that the plot would take one way but I was completely wrong, and in the end it leaves you with a deep message. I'm pretty sad that people don't think about this film with the context of it incorporated because I feel that's the most important part. For me, it's a pretty enterntaining watch!
- baal-p3or
- 29 de jan. de 2025
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Camera crew can't afford a tripod. Sound screw can't afford to pay 1 artist for 2 songs and get a proper soundtrack. Nothing happens in the movie its mostly passive and inaction. All action is prolonged so much up to the point that you had to see in real time how someone listens to music. And figure out why this could be important in the movie.
There is no villain there is no hero.
The ending is not matching any part of the film.
It makes you skip 60 % of the content and after you skip the endless scenes, you still don't get to a place where you can understand the What the Who Where When Why.
So you skip some more.
Camera shaking makes you dislike watching - some scenes at least please...buy a tripod!
If this was 2001, I would have given it an 8 cause its snobish but for 2025..its a 1 and I would like compensation for the time I will never get back. Yes the time that I've skipped. 😃
There is no villain there is no hero.
The ending is not matching any part of the film.
It makes you skip 60 % of the content and after you skip the endless scenes, you still don't get to a place where you can understand the What the Who Where When Why.
So you skip some more.
Camera shaking makes you dislike watching - some scenes at least please...buy a tripod!
If this was 2001, I would have given it an 8 cause its snobish but for 2025..its a 1 and I would like compensation for the time I will never get back. Yes the time that I've skipped. 😃
- achiroae
- 23 de jan. de 2025
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- xnfcb
- 24 de jan. de 2025
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For most people, the movie is slow and boring and you find the storyline everything, everywhere all at once.
But once you get the grasp of the story you are set for a good, deep and dark movie. The english dubbed version doesnt sound as good as the arabic, So I watched in Arabic with subtitle and it sounded way better.
All four lead actors are phenomenol. While the story leads you to the concept of hallucination from dehydration and injuries, the reality is far from that. The film is well directed and the end solves all the puzzle.
However it is not a thriller but a pure psychological thriller.
Dont compare the movie with anything and you will love it.
But once you get the grasp of the story you are set for a good, deep and dark movie. The english dubbed version doesnt sound as good as the arabic, So I watched in Arabic with subtitle and it sounded way better.
All four lead actors are phenomenol. While the story leads you to the concept of hallucination from dehydration and injuries, the reality is far from that. The film is well directed and the end solves all the puzzle.
However it is not a thriller but a pure psychological thriller.
Dont compare the movie with anything and you will love it.
- acharyasanzay
- 27 de jan. de 2025
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- kerryclear
- 24 de jan. de 2025
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This movie its a perfect movie to explain the Braun of One kid. I not gonna spoiler the movie, but its a movie to see on all world. But u need to watch from start to end. Nothing make sense, but Im the end... All pieces completo the puzzle. One masterpiece.
But for that u need to watch and watch with yes of detective. Nothing its what u think its is, and its very actual what it retraited on this movie. The really problem its to make u Stay until the end whiout Skip the movie. But u need to watch all movie. U in the end gonna understant all and u gonna cry with all the people on tour Room. Not a movie too everyone, but everyone needs to watch it.
But for that u need to watch and watch with yes of detective. Nothing its what u think its is, and its very actual what it retraited on this movie. The really problem its to make u Stay until the end whiout Skip the movie. But u need to watch all movie. U in the end gonna understant all and u gonna cry with all the people on tour Room. Not a movie too everyone, but everyone needs to watch it.
- mc-85862
- 24 de jan. de 2025
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Where do I start on how bad this is?! Abstract story line with nothing to anchor onto, mediocre acting, boring storyline, and then when the end mercifully arrives the twist at the end is an eye roll inducing political statement etcs..
Less of this please Netflix !!
There's not much more I can add to this review because there's so little to work with, all I can offer is the suggestion that if you are considering watching this then just watch the trailer because its all there- it's a missed opportunity here, I feel like the scriptwriter should find other work.
I'm insulted that this travesty exists.
Less of this please Netflix !!
There's not much more I can add to this review because there's so little to work with, all I can offer is the suggestion that if you are considering watching this then just watch the trailer because its all there- it's a missed opportunity here, I feel like the scriptwriter should find other work.
I'm insulted that this travesty exists.
- tomasstralberg
- 24 de jan. de 2025
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Sand Castle is not just a movie; it's a mirror to the chaos of our times. It boldly explores the futility of power games and reminds us that nature is the ultimate force. This is not a film that's going to spoon-feed you answers-it demands you to think, to reflect, and to bring your own life experiences into its narrative.
The cast is phenomenal, the writing gutsy, and the cinematic experience unforgettable. If you're expecting mindless entertainment, look elsewhere. But if you value a movie that challenges your perspective and lingers in your thoughts, Sand Castle is a must-watch. For those leaving shallow reviews-perhaps start by reactivating your brain.
The cast is phenomenal, the writing gutsy, and the cinematic experience unforgettable. If you're expecting mindless entertainment, look elsewhere. But if you value a movie that challenges your perspective and lingers in your thoughts, Sand Castle is a must-watch. For those leaving shallow reviews-perhaps start by reactivating your brain.
- husneshabnamconnect
- 27 de jan. de 2025
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I wasted 1:36 hrs from my life on this piece of crab.
No story , waste of time , no thriller no horror no story , nothing , it is just a waste of time . Very poor performance by the actors. You cannot understand anything. I don't know how producer agreed on this. I cannot even imagine. A three old boy can make a movie better than this. How even Netflix agreed to show such a movie. They must pull it off from their menu immediately.
I don't recommend at all.
Even the message is irrelevant. And the actors are very disgusting.
I am sure that who agreed on this has been bribed or something like that.
No story , waste of time , no thriller no horror no story , nothing , it is just a waste of time . Very poor performance by the actors. You cannot understand anything. I don't know how producer agreed on this. I cannot even imagine. A three old boy can make a movie better than this. How even Netflix agreed to show such a movie. They must pull it off from their menu immediately.
I don't recommend at all.
Even the message is irrelevant. And the actors are very disgusting.
I am sure that who agreed on this has been bribed or something like that.
- waleedkshahin
- 24 de jan. de 2025
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Worst movie ive ever watched. It had so much potential with being stranded on an island. Can't believe this is 2025 movie everything about it sucks.would not ever watch this again in my life.they could have done so much more with this movie and they didn't I wouldn't recommend anybody to watch it. Definitely isn't a thriller movie as it says. I should be reimbursed for my time from watching this boring boring boring movie. DO
WASTE OF MY TIME. Netflix do better with what movies your put out especially when people are paying so much beer month this is ridiculous asf.
WASTE OF MY TIME. Netflix do better with what movies your put out especially when people are paying so much beer month this is ridiculous asf.
- emilypaoli
- 25 de jan. de 2025
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- Mariaflm
- 24 de jan. de 2025
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The audio is not audible you need subtitles to watch otherwise you would not understand half of the dialogue. This could be a decision in post to cover up the fact that nadine seems to put zero effort to get the accent or maybe just bad equipment as it also seems they did not have a tripod from all the shaky shots. The movie didn't do right by the story they are trying to tell, the cast Netflix or the viewers it's a total waste of time on a very rich subject.
I do appreciate Netflix trying to get content specific to this region but when it is so badly done it's a disrespect to their viewers.
You really have to have a lot of free time to watch this one.
I do appreciate Netflix trying to get content specific to this region but when it is so badly done it's a disrespect to their viewers.
You really have to have a lot of free time to watch this one.
- nadim-47002
- 24 de jan. de 2025
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I created an account to rate this movie. Very bad and Very boring movie. They are stuck on sn island and litterly in the whole movie jot exciting happens. I hope i can help other people save the time that i will never get back in my life. I would even give it a negative -10 rating if that was possible. I have never ever seen such a boring movie where there is such a sort of suspense but nothing happens. It had some potential but didnt fullfill it. You keep watching to see what happens and hoping it gets better but you really can save your time on watching this boring movie. Would not even let this see to my worst enemy.
- vgroenheijde
- 25 de jan. de 2025
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Watching this movie. While the actors delivered decent performances, the film lacked substance in almost every other aspect. The storyline was weak, with no meaningful progression or depth to keep the audience engaged. The so-called mystery fell flat, and the absence of a compelling climax left me feeling completely underwhelmed. It felt as though the film was building toward something significant, only to end without any payoff. Unfortunately, this was one of the most disappointing movies I've ever seen, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone looking for an engaging or satisfying cinematic experience.
- izthatht
- 25 de jan. de 2025
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In my book, films where strange things happen but in the end they don't make sense, like "it's a journey between dream and reality", are just lazy writing. I don't care if it's art it it's lazy, coward, cop out art.
But this film, in the end, although you never understand what's happening, makes sense. Not the action, but what is alluding to. It's a grim, heartbreaking metaphor, but shot in a beautiful film. To be honest, I haven't seen a lot of Arabic films, let alone Arabic psychological thrillers with amazing colors and Lynchian images. It's the best thing I've seen on Netflix in a long time, but I know a lot of viewers will dislike it for not making sense. All in all, a triumph in cinema.
But this film, in the end, although you never understand what's happening, makes sense. Not the action, but what is alluding to. It's a grim, heartbreaking metaphor, but shot in a beautiful film. To be honest, I haven't seen a lot of Arabic films, let alone Arabic psychological thrillers with amazing colors and Lynchian images. It's the best thing I've seen on Netflix in a long time, but I know a lot of viewers will dislike it for not making sense. All in all, a triumph in cinema.
- veo
- 24 de jan. de 2025
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Review: The Sandcastle - A Pretentious Misfire
Despite The Sandcastle trying to be artistic-perhaps even poetic in its abstraction-it ultimately tries too hard. The film is weighed down by weak dialogue, lacklustre acting, and a disjointed pace that makes it feel amateurish rather than profound. The score does little to improve the experience.
Then there's the storyline-or rather, the lack of one. The film drifts through scenes that seem more focused on artistic ambition than coherent storytelling. While some may appreciate its attempt at depth, most viewers will find it confusing and frustrating. Even as someone who enjoys layered narratives, I struggled to find anything meaningful in its execution.
Frankly, if it weren't for my wife watching it, I wouldn't have lasted ten minutes. But I wanted to spend some time with her, so I endured what was, without a doubt, the worst film I've seen in a long time. If you found something worthwhile in it, good for you-you saw something I didn't. But a film shouldn't be so difficult to understand just to be appreciated.
For me, it fell apart like a sandcastle, crumbling under the weight of its own pretensions.
Despite The Sandcastle trying to be artistic-perhaps even poetic in its abstraction-it ultimately tries too hard. The film is weighed down by weak dialogue, lacklustre acting, and a disjointed pace that makes it feel amateurish rather than profound. The score does little to improve the experience.
Then there's the storyline-or rather, the lack of one. The film drifts through scenes that seem more focused on artistic ambition than coherent storytelling. While some may appreciate its attempt at depth, most viewers will find it confusing and frustrating. Even as someone who enjoys layered narratives, I struggled to find anything meaningful in its execution.
Frankly, if it weren't for my wife watching it, I wouldn't have lasted ten minutes. But I wanted to spend some time with her, so I endured what was, without a doubt, the worst film I've seen in a long time. If you found something worthwhile in it, good for you-you saw something I didn't. But a film shouldn't be so difficult to understand just to be appreciated.
For me, it fell apart like a sandcastle, crumbling under the weight of its own pretensions.
- dannabester
- 31 de jan. de 2025
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Watching this film felt like a complete waste of time-an experience so frustrating that I genuinely questioned how such an incoherent and poorly executed project ever made it past the approval stage. The writing lacks substance, the direction is amateurish, and the overall production feels rushed and uninspired. It's almost insulting to the intelligence of the audience. If Netflix is willing to greenlight content of this quality, it raises serious concerns about their standards. A truly regrettable viewing experience.
If this is the future of filmmaking, we're in trouble. A complete failure that should serve as a lesson in what not to do in cinema.
If this is the future of filmmaking, we're in trouble. A complete failure that should serve as a lesson in what not to do in cinema.
- Shraboon
- 30 de jan. de 2025
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I gave 2 stars simply because it did keep my attention until the end but that was because I couldn't figure the deal with the yellow thing Jana poked a hole in under the sand castle. Not to be a spoiler in case you do want to endure the whole waste of time on it, you be the judge. I can't really say I would recommend it though. (Unless you're really bored and can't find anything else.) The ending is very confusing and disappointing as well. Can't say what that is cause it will ruin it even more than watching it. Can't think of anything else to say but it's making continue on until I reach a certain amount of characters. Ah there it is. 😁
- jgb-67847
- 28 de jan. de 2025
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Some of the sweatiest filthiest people I've ever seen even though they are surrounded by ocean water. All they have to do is swim daily to get clean. They only swim every once in a while. I thought this was going to be a modern day Robinson Crusoe movie but it's not. You're much better off watching that. This family of four I thought were ship wrecked trying to survive but it appears they're on a vacation with no one to pick them up when they were suppose to. It's hard to tell reality from hallucinations many times in the movie. Just another non sensical slow mover only the beautiful people could appreciate with some sort of hidden message. It's more exciting to watch grass grow.
- ralbaii
- 1 de fev. de 2025
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It's very clear from the current rating and reviews on here that a LOT of people didn't get this movie. It certainly doesn't spoon feed anything to the audience. If you're looking for something that makes perfect sense and leaves you with zero questions, this is not the film for you.
Despite a small cast and a pretty minimal plot, the actors did a beautiful job conveying their emotions throughout. Hope, despair, determination, love for each other.
The ending brought me to tears, and while I can see why this movie may not have mass appeal, I am baffled that someone could watch this and not feel even slightly moved.
Despite a small cast and a pretty minimal plot, the actors did a beautiful job conveying their emotions throughout. Hope, despair, determination, love for each other.
The ending brought me to tears, and while I can see why this movie may not have mass appeal, I am baffled that someone could watch this and not feel even slightly moved.
- amc-96742
- 24 de jan. de 2025
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I watched this because it was interesting to see how wildly deviant the reviews were and so I needed to see exactly what it was people loved or loathed about it.
The cinematography is very good, and there's not a lot of script to this but that's the point, it's art and supposed to be through the eyes of the daughter. It's well worth persevering to the end as imagination becomes fact.
Hopefully this will be thought provoking for all of you lucky enough to be able to watch this in comfort, not everyone is so blessed.
The closing text of the movie explains everything If you've not understood it by the time you get to that point.
The poor reviews either don't get it or refuse to believe the suffering of millions, shame on you.
The cinematography is very good, and there's not a lot of script to this but that's the point, it's art and supposed to be through the eyes of the daughter. It's well worth persevering to the end as imagination becomes fact.
Hopefully this will be thought provoking for all of you lucky enough to be able to watch this in comfort, not everyone is so blessed.
The closing text of the movie explains everything If you've not understood it by the time you get to that point.
The poor reviews either don't get it or refuse to believe the suffering of millions, shame on you.
- sagoth66
- 24 de jan. de 2025
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What a beautiful peace of art work. I don't get the negative reviews. Guess you love it or you hate is. This film hit me pretty hard. Probably more because I have three children. It's definitely not for everybody and I wouldn't classify this movie as a thriller. But I love how this story is told and all the little details throughout the film that lead you little by little to the plot. Almost like poetry. Do you want to watch something lighthearted, don't watch this movie. If you want to be carried away into the minds and emotions of the main characters, then this film is definitely worth to watch.
- gspbtdnpm
- 28 de jan. de 2025
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