Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016)
David Cross: Crane
Crane : [Crane is flying, with Mantis on his hat] Wings of surveillance!
Mantis : Why do you do that?
Crane : Do what?
Mantis : Just 'cause you say "wings of" before something, it doesn't mean that you're doing a special move. It's like me saying "antenna of power!" or "thorax of... making sandwiches!"
Crane : Wings of disagreement.
Crane : Master, what are we going to do?
Shifu : *You* are going to find out where Kai is. Follow the trail of those jade creatures but do not engage For with every foe he faces Kai becomes stronger.
Crane : Why me? Is it because I asked?
Shifu : No. It is because you can fly. Go!
Mantis : Should have kept your beak shut!
Shifu : And take Mantis.
Mantis : What? Oh man, is it because I...
Shifu : Yes.
Kai : [to Crane] Your chi is strong, just like your friend,
[brandishes Mantis talisman]
Kai : the bug.
Crane : Mantis!
[tries to attack Kai but is overpowered]
Kai : Don't worry, little birdie. I'll put your chi to good use: destroying the Jade Palace and *everyone* in it.
Crane : No!
[kicks barrel at Kai, then flies off, but is caught]
Crane : Wings of... Regret!
Po : Guys guys, you're never gonna guess who just showed up. Not in a million years. You can't... you just try...
[Li lifts his helmet slightly]
Tigress , Monkey , Crane , Viper , Mantis , Shifu : [in unison] Your father!
Po : Whoa, how did you just guess that? Oh, wait a second. Yeah, of course. We look exactly the same. Dad, say hi to my friends. Mantis, Tigress, Monkey, Crane and Viper.
Li : [shook Monkey's hand] Oh, Viper, was it?
Monkey : Monkey, sir.
Po : They're kinda my best friends. And this... this is Master Shifu. Legend!
Shifu : It is an honor to meet you, Master Panda.
[to Po]
Shifu : Perhaps your father would care to join us in the training hall?
[to Li]
Shifu : Your son will be teaching the class.
[Monkey, Viper, Mantis, and Crane cringe]
Li : Oh ho!
Po : I'm sure he's tired. I'm sure you're tired. He's tired. I'm gonna show him to the Chrysanthemum Suite.
Li : What, tired? No, I'm fine. I would love to watch you teach.
Po : Trust me. It would be more fun to watch me...
[the bell tower suddenly rings]
Po : Fight!
Shifu : Today, will be my final class.
[Po and the Five become worried]
Po : Your final?... Wait, I didn't know you were sick.
[looks at Shifu's eyes]
Po : Although, you have been looking a little...
Shifu : [pushes Po away with his staff] I'm not sick!
Po : Healthy. A little healthy. A lot actually.
Shifu : My final class because from now on, your training will be in the hands of the Dragon Warrior.
[points his staff toward Po]
Po : [nods and smiles for once, then his face turns frightful in realization] *WHAT*?
[knocks Shifu back with his voice and steps close to Shifu]
Po : Me? Teach? I mean, why not Tigress? She's always telling everyone what to do.
Tigress : Be quiet, Po.
Po : See what I mean?
Shifu : Tigress is not the Dragon Warrior. You are.
Po : Come on, they're the Five! What can I teach them?
Shifu : [reappears behind Po] There is always something more to learn, even for a master. For instance, let me show you another move...
[twirls his staff]
Shifu : The dramatic exit.
[points his staff at the roof]
Shifu : What's that?
[quickly leaves the room and closes the door]
Po : Whoa! Are you kidding me? That... What? Where'd he go?
Tigress , Monkey , Mantis , Viper , Crane : [bowing down in unison] Master.
Po : [chuckles] He's gone guys. It's cool.
Monkey : We await your instruction, Master.
Tigress : All you have to lose... is our respect.
Mantis : [walks up to Po's shoulder] Seriously, how bad could it be?
[the scene cuts to chaos in the Training Hall]
Mantis : Very bad! Very, very bad!
Viper : We need a chi master.
Shifu : He will continue stealing the chi of masters until he has consumed it all.
[Po looks at the early parts of the scroll, taking notice of the ancient pandas that could teach chi]
Viper : We have to make a way to stop him.
Crane : Or he'll get more and more powerful with every master he defeats!
Tigress : We have no choice. We fight.
Li : I can teach you, son.
[Mr. Ping gasps]
Po : You can do this?
Li : Well, of course. I'm a panda.
Po : That must be why the universe sent you here!