This is a most excellent series. At no point will you be bored.
There are two seasons. Season one is by far the best. Season two is a little more flat,
a little more subdued, a little more peaceful Scandinavia vibe, even in the middle of all the
shenanigans it will feel pretty subdued to people in other countries.
At the start of the series, it shows that it is based on events which are more or less accurate.
But then again, it says that none of the people or characters mentioned there were real,
they were fictional. So we do not truly know how much of this story
is real. It seems they basically weaved a tale into events which did take place in the early 1990s, when the Finnish state, it suggests here, told the banks to target businesses to try and recoup some money so they could be ready to join the EU, something of that nature (Finland officially joined the European Union (EU) on January 1, 1995, along with Austria and Sweden.
... not actually looked
into it in detail, but it is intimated broadly that billions and billions of euros were basically siphoned off semi-illegally from small businesses and homeowners in order to
make the state extremely solvent when it went and join the EU.
I am not sure of the detail here.
But anyway, the way this is done here, the main three or four actors make it really happen.
Helsinki looks quite elegant in this as well. And it doesn't take anything away. It rather adds to it all.
This is really, as the title, my title here indicated, Robinhood on steroids, Robinhood with the internet, Robinhood with cryptocurrency, Robinhood with technological tools that the forest of Sherwood did not have available at the time.
So it is really an updated tale of the little people fighting against the powerful and the moneyed classes.
Anybody who enjoys that kind of story will really like this one here.
Season one was absolutely excellent all the way through to the denouement.
Season two starts straight away on a much more feeble lower pulse.
And it doesn't really get back to the heights of the first series. I think looking at the last episode, episode six of series two, the makers were probably hoping to get yet another season.
But quite frankly, it was not given to them and it would have been probably even more weak.
The last episode of the second series shows not a cliffhanger, but something that could be
used to carry on to the trial and whatever. But this never happened.
So really, I would enjoin people to watch season one and maybe forego season two, although it will be pretty difficult for any viewer who has seen season one to not want to carry on.
Great viewing. Not sure about the historical accuracy or near accuracy of this story, but it doesn't really matter.
It is a timeless tale about the little people fighting back against the masters. Fun!
PS Also in some aspects echoes of
Money Heist (2017) an excellent Spanish series.