Robin Wright credited as playing...
Martha Sullivan
- Martha Sullivan: Maybe, if you could define for us, what you think the long term objective would be? What are we trying to achieve?
- Günther Bachmann: To make the world safer place. Isn't that enough?
- Martha Sullivan: Men who trusted you died. And that stays with you always.
- Günther Bachmann: And all that damage we leave behind. All those lives. All those empty rooms. What were they in vain for? You have asked yourself that question? Why we do what we do?
- Martha Sullivan: Mm-hmm, sometimes. But I always come up to same answer.
- Günther Bachmann: And what is it?
- Martha Sullivan: To make the world safer place. Isn't that enough?
- Martha Sullivan: Dr. Faisal Abdullah's everything we want him to be and a little bit more. He's tolerant, enlightened, engaged with the West. But, every good man has a little bit bad, doesn't he? And in Abdullah's case, that little bit just might kill you.
- Martha Sullivan: What happened in Beirut?
- Günther Bachmann: You know what happened in Beirut. My networks were blown.
- Martha Sullivan: So, Hamburg's a punishment?
- Günther Bachmann: It depends on whether you like Hamburg.
- Martha Sullivan: Please work with us on this one, Gunther.
- Günther Bachmann: I don't trust you.
- Martha Sullivan: Old habits die hard.
- Günther Bachmann: That's what I'm worried about.
- Martha Sullivan: I was talking about yours.
- Günther Bachmann: Have a nice day.
- Martha Sullivan: [Icily] You too.
- Martha Sullivan: Gnther Bachmann? Martha Sullivan. US Embassy, Berlin. I know you by reputation, of course.
- Günther Bachmann: That can't be good.
- Martha Sullivan: Men with good reputations usually aren't much use to me.
- Günther Bachmann: What about women? This is my colleague Irna Frey.
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