The movie begins with an intriguing premise that engages the viewer, but as the story unfolds, the plot gradually becomes less and less logical. The locations, distances, timeframes and relations lose coherence, culminating with a really unpredictable ending but not in a good way.
The dialogs are unnatural and annoying in their effort of being witty. The supposed estranged sibling dynamic between the main characters seems more reflective of the real-life couple portraying them. Their screenplay feels like a thinly veiled attempt to wrestle with personal insecurities and envy toward specific social groups, which detracts from the authenticity of their on-screen relationship.
From a technical perspective, the film appears to have been shot digitally and desaturated in postproduction, resulting in large, flat grey areas poorly masked by artificial digital grain. The title itself seems like another failed attempt at being clever, referencing the visuals rather than any deeper meaning.
At first glance, it may seem like a hidden gem for indie movie lovers. However, the film's lack of logic, grating dialogue, and disappointing visuals left me feeling scammed and disappointed.