Dane Cook credited as playing...
Dusty Crophopper
- Dusty Crophopper: I've been flying over the same patch of grass, day after day, month after month, for years! I'm just trying to prove that maybe, just maybe, I can do more than what I was built for.
- Dusty Crophopper: I've flown thousands and thousands of miles, and have never gone anywhere.
- Franz: You are an inspiration to all of us.
- Dusty Crophopper: All of us?
- Franz: Yeah, all of us who want to do more than just what we are built for.
- [Dusty helps a blinded Bulldog through the race lap]
- Bulldog: [eyes getting cleaned] Thanks for your help, matey! I couldn't have done it without...
- [sees it was Dusty who helped him]
- Bulldog: ...you? YOU saved me?... What did I tell you, boy? Every plane for himself, right?
- Dusty Crophopper: Where I come from, if you see a plane falling from the sky...
- Bulldog: Yes, but this is a COMPETITION! And now you're dead last!... And I owe you my life.
- [starts to sob]
- Dusty Crophopper: Bulldog, are you crying?
- Bulldog: I don't cry, I'm British!... Thanks, matey.
- Rochelle: Monsieur El Chu... from rogue to tres romantique...
- [rolls off]
- El Chupacabra: What does that mean?
- Dusty Crophopper: No idea. But, French Canadian is the language of love... in Quebec. So, it's got to be good.
- El Chupacabra: Dusty, I cannot bear the thought of competing without you...
- [produces equipment to repair Dusty]
- Dusty Crophopper: That's the wing of a T-33 Shooting Star.
- El Chupacabra: When the great Mexican Air Force needed help, American T-33s came. They did not ask questions. They did not hesitate. They were there, because that is what compadres do.
- Dusty Crophopper: [sees El Chupacabra's assistant with a box] And what's that?
- El Chupacabra: That is my lunch, don't touch! But the wings are yours.
- Dusty Crophopper: I'm afraid of heights.
- Chug: But... you're a plane.
- Dusty Crophopper: I'm a cropduster, I've never flown more than a thousand feet.
- Skipper: Are you kidding? Scared of heights, and you want to race around the world?
- [El Chupacabra turns up, disheveled and covered in kisses]
- Dusty Crophopper: Whoa, what happened to you?
- El Chupacabra: That song, it flipped a switch...
- Rochelle: Ooooh, my little monster, come here!
- [grabs and drags El Chupacabra off]
- El Chupacabra: [comes back exhausted] She is like a jaguar now!
- Skipper: Let me ask you something, Dusty: if you knew the truth about my past, would you have asked me to train you?
- [pause]
- Dusty Crophopper: No.
- [Ishani gives her new propeller to Dusty]
- Dusty Crophopper: That's your propeller. You can still win the race.
- Ishani: Oh, I intend to. But with my old propeller. This one didn't really suit me, but I think you might find a better use for it.
- Dusty Crophopper: You said I wasn't cut out for this. I should have listened to you...
- Dottie: Dusty, if you had listened to me, I would never have forgiven myself. Skip may have been wrong about what he did, but he was right about you. You're not a cropduster, you're a racer, and now the whole world knows it!