Episode 6 really brought a lot to the table. You have Danny and Amy looking to find some stability in their lives but they realize that there are one to many obstacles from achieving that.
Danny - In the beginning of the episode he knows that it's not right what he's allowing Isaac to do and he knows that he'll repeat past mistakes so instead he snitches on Isaac allowing him his freedom.
Also, it was good to see Danny reconnect with Paul. Kind of makes sense how they were both in some bad situations.
Amy - There's a lot going on with Amy. Her conflict with Fumi kind of turns into a tough love situation but on the other hand she and George are having mixed feelings about their relationship. Her confrontation with Naomi gets quickly subdued though I'm not sure if that's the last I'll see of that.
But the big takeaway here is Danny and Amy's meet. What I enjoy about this is how things drastically changed for them since the last time they've spoke and now they realize that this beef they've had may have gone on for too long.
Overall another solid episode.