41 of 76 found this mild
Nothing usually sexual in nature but lots of cut scenes of booty on the beach.
There are no scenes of people having sex and there are no scenes containing nudity - NONE!
Mcgarrett and Katherine are seen waking up in bed together a few times but no sex/nudity.
There is one reference to "thinking with the wrong head."
35 of 56 found this moderate
In most episodes people are shot. A small amount of blood spurts.
Certain episodes are more violent than others as the crimes being committed vary from theft to murder in horrible ways- there is usually little to no blood except for a few exceptions where it can get quite bloody.
A man gets impaled through a pole which is clearly seen and bloody
Some gunplay and fighting. There is usually no blood, but bullet holes can be seen and some blood splatter on walls etc. Shooting happens almost in every episode and some have fighting too.
35 of 48 found this to have none
Occasional light profanities.
33 of 43 found this mild
Occasional drinking (rarely, if ever heavy) in bars/social situations
Some drug references. (People doing drugs, stealing drugs. etc)
Supposed drugs seen (criminal premises, drug busts).
28 of 44 found this moderate
Scenes of people with their eyes cut out