This first episode is a brilliant example of a pilot, with a fun, hyperactive and entertaining opening, paired with a beautiful cameo of The Sandman's 'Death' that perfectly sets up the universe, but also particularly the two main characters of Charles and Edwin; their agency, purpose, and relationship to each other. The devotion of which is reflected, foreshadowed, and hinted at, for the coming episodes later in the season. The introduction to Crystal Palace, and other recurring characters such as Jenny, Niko and Mick are all individual and memorable, with particular props to Jenn Lyon who plays Esther Finch, the villain of the season. Never before have I seen as entertaining a witch character, aside from perhaps Rowena in Supernatural, whose actress coincidentally appears in the episode's cliffhanger as secondary villain/anti-hero The Night Nurse.
Particular props needs to be given to both the Set Design, Costume Department, Cinematography, VFX and SFX (I was particularly excited by the use of practical effects within the train carriage sequence). This entire show is beautifully shot with a rainbow of colours, with every scene visible even at a low brightness setting, which is rare for film and television these days in 2024. It is very rare that to see a project both in and out of the cinema using such a colour range with such confidence, and so it needs to be commended as it elevates the viewing experience. I would recommend this show to anyone, and plan to.