I recently watched Christmas on My Block (2021) on Tubi. The storyline revolves around a young man with a troubled past seeking a new path in life, aspiring to make it in the music industry. However, he finds himself starting at the bottom, working as a janitor in a studio at night.
The film, written and directed by DeMarcus Bailey (Poison Candy), stars Jamal Woolard (Notorious), Kris D'Sha (Black Clown 2), Snoop Robinson (Love & Drugs), and Benét Embry (Heavy).
Despite an excellent soundtrack and a cliche yet engaging storyline, the film takes an unfortunate turn towards the end. The acting and writing maintain a decent standard throughout, but a poorly executed twist in the last 10-15 minutes leaves a jarring impact. Snoop Robinson's awkward conclusion further adds to the disappointment.
In summary, Christmas on My Block starts with a solid premise and setup but falls short in its execution, particularly in the concluding moments. The film earns a 3/10, and I would recommend skipping it due to its unsatisfying resolution.