1 review
Prostitutes who work at the Chicken Ranch brothel in Nevada, are the focus of this frank documentary. The prostitutes themselves give first-hand accounts, of their experiences in their profession. Customers at the Chicken Ranch are also interviewed, as well as local church Pastors.
The overall tone of this film is non-judgmental, with regards to prostitution. The prostitutes at the Chicken Ranch, come from all walks of life. Most of them are just average women; housewives, students, college grads, office workers, etc., who all decide that they wanted to become high-paid prostitutes. Many of the stories that the prostitutes tell about their lives, are quite heart-wrenching. Some of these women are survivors of rape, incest, bad marriages, and broken homes.
Though the women say that they like making large sums of money, they also openly discuss the downside, of working at the Chicken Ranch. There were incidences of malicious gossip, and competition between the women there. This resulted in emotional trauma for a few of the women, and even one woman being unfairly kicked off of the Ranch.
There's not that much gratuitous sex in the film, despite its subject matter. There is a fair amount of nudity, but it's pretty tame for a film about prostitution. Instead, this film puts the spotlight on the women's professional relationships with their customers, their practical concerns about earning a decent living, and the emotional upheaval in their lives.
No matter how you feel about prostitution, this film is an enlightening look into the lives of a few women, who are involved in the world's oldest profession.
The overall tone of this film is non-judgmental, with regards to prostitution. The prostitutes at the Chicken Ranch, come from all walks of life. Most of them are just average women; housewives, students, college grads, office workers, etc., who all decide that they wanted to become high-paid prostitutes. Many of the stories that the prostitutes tell about their lives, are quite heart-wrenching. Some of these women are survivors of rape, incest, bad marriages, and broken homes.
Though the women say that they like making large sums of money, they also openly discuss the downside, of working at the Chicken Ranch. There were incidences of malicious gossip, and competition between the women there. This resulted in emotional trauma for a few of the women, and even one woman being unfairly kicked off of the Ranch.
There's not that much gratuitous sex in the film, despite its subject matter. There is a fair amount of nudity, but it's pretty tame for a film about prostitution. Instead, this film puts the spotlight on the women's professional relationships with their customers, their practical concerns about earning a decent living, and the emotional upheaval in their lives.
No matter how you feel about prostitution, this film is an enlightening look into the lives of a few women, who are involved in the world's oldest profession.
- sonya90028
- Jan 12, 2010
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