7 of 19 found this moderate
While there are some sex scenes where characters are implied to be nude, they are filmed so that they conceal any frontal nudity.
3 guys are standing naked talking to a doctor, you see their butts.
A man forces a woman to give him oral sex several times throughout the film. At one point, he rapes her.
4 of 8 found this moderate
Teenagers are beaten and yelled at by their peers if they do not apologize for things they've done wrong.
Sophie is thrown to the ground and beaten up by a group of girls that well outnumber her for taking a rest break.
4 of 9 found this moderate
There is some profanity including words like fuck and shit.
4 of 7 found this severe
Some people snort cocaine.
one scene where the two main characters are seen smoking weed.
a scene where the main male character is seen "shooting up".
4 of 7 found this moderate
The scene where a camp staff member rapes one of the teen campers.
There is a scene where a teen that can not swim and hits his head on the bottom of the ocean and drowns causing his death on the beach.