Dexter's eyes are a deep brown but when he is a teenager talking to his father his eyes are baby blue.
When the kid recently released from prison is about to murder again in the marsh, a camera is visible in the tree behind Dexter when he asks if they have seen a Frisbee around.
The scene set on Calle Ocho is plainly not there. There is no Mexican music nor Mexican stores ("Guadalupe") on Eighth Street. Moreover, the Mexican accents are completely out of place.
Around the 28:45 mark, Det. Angel Batista is talking to Deb regarding the suspect Tucci and how the killer used liquid nitrogen to preserve the victim's flesh, which he says is very unstable. Liquid nitrogen is not unstable at all. It is simply pure nitrogen (N2) cooled down to a liquid state, somewhere around -346°F and -320.44°F, but it is still chemically inert and very stable and will not explode or have any other sudden chemical reactions. It does require special handling due to the fact that it's so cold it can cause living tissue to freeze immediately and cause cold burns, but one doesn't need to be a lab technician, scientist, researcher, or any other form of "lab rat" to order/buy/use liquid nitrogen. It's available to anyone with the proper knowledge of how to handle it.
The writers may have been confusing liquid nitrogen with nitroglycerin, which is a highly unstable compound that can explode at the slightest jostling, but there is no way to confirm this.
The writers may have been confusing liquid nitrogen with nitroglycerin, which is a highly unstable compound that can explode at the slightest jostling, but there is no way to confirm this.