Bye-Bye Junior High (1989)2 of 3
PeoplePat Mastroianni, Christopher Charlesworth, Anais Granofsky, Neil Hope, Siluck Saysanasy, Amanda Stepto, Nicole Stoffman
TitlesDegrassi High, Bottled Up, Can't Live with 'Em: Part 1, Can't Live with 'Em: Part 2, He Ain't Heavy..., Making Whoopee, Pa-arty!, Parents' Night, Best Laid Plans, The Whole Truth, Fight!, A Big Girl Now, Bye-Bye Junior High, Loves Me, Loves Me Not, Season's Greetings, Star-Crossed, Twenty Bucks, Black & White, Food for Thought, Taking Off: Part 1, Taking Off: Part 2, It's Late, Kiss Me, Steph, Nothing to Fear, Revolution!, Rumor Has It, Smokescreen, The Big Dance, The Cover-Up, The Experiment, The Great Race, What a Night!, A Helping Hand..., Censored, Dinner & a Show, Dog Days, Eggbert, Great Expectations, ...He's Back, Pass Tense, Sealed with a Kiss, Stage Fright, Trust Me