"Star Trek" Amok Time (TV Episode 1967) Poster

(TV Series)


Leonard Nimoy: Mr. Spock



  • Spock : [after T'Pring has explained her actions]  Logical. Flawlessly logical.

    T'Pring : I am honored.

    Spock : Stonn, she is yours. After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.

  • Dr. McCoy : There's just one thing, Mr. Spock. You can't tell me that when you first saw Jim alive that you weren't on the verge of giving us an emotional scene that would have brought the house down.

    Spock : Merely my quite logical relief that Starfleet had not lost a highly proficient captain.

    Captain James T. Kirk : Yes, Mr. Spock, I understand.

    Spock : Thank you, Captain.

    Dr. McCoy : Of course, Mr. Spock. Your reaction was quite logical.

    Spock : Thank you, Doctor.

    [Kirk and Spock head for the exit] 

    Dr. McCoy : In a pig's eye!

  • T'Pau : [returning Spock's Vulcan salute]  Live long and prosper, Spock.

    Spock : I shall do neither: I've killed my captain and my friend.

  • Captain James T. Kirk : Well... there's no need to be, uh, embarrassed about it, Mr. Spock. It happens to the birds and the bees.

    Spock : The birds and the bees are not Vulcans, Captain.

  • Spock : Captain, there is a thing that happens to Vulcans at this time, almost an insanity which you would no doubt find distasteful.

    Captain James T. Kirk : [slightly amused]  Will I? You've been most patient with my kinds of madness.

  • Spock : I will do what I must, T'Pau, but not with him. His blood does not burn. He is my friend.

    T'Pau : It is said thy Vulcan blood is thin. Are thee Vulcan, or art thee human?

    Spock : I burn, T'Pau. My eyes are flame. My heart is flame. Thee has the power, T'Pau. In the name of my fathers... forbid. Forbid!

  • Spock : [to T'Pring]  I see no logic in preferring Stonn over me.

  • Spock : How do Vulcans choose their mates? Haven't you wondered?

    Captain James T. Kirk : I guess the rest of us assumed that it's done... quite logically.

  • Spock : Captain, I should like to request a leave of absence on my home planet. On our present course, you can divert to Vulcan with a loss of but 2.8 light days.

    Captain James T. Kirk : Spock, what the devil is this all about?

    Spock : I have made my request, Captain. All I require from you is that you answer it! Yes or no?

  • Spock : Captain, there are some things which transcend even the discipline of the service.

  • Spock : My orders were to report to sick bay, Doctor. I have done so. And now I'll go to my quarters.

    Dr. McCoy : My orders were to give you a thorough physical. In case you haven't noticed, I have to report to the same commanding officer that you do! Come on, Spock, yield to the logic of the situation.

  • Spock : This is our place of kunat kalifee.

    Dr. McCoy : [to Kirk as Spock walks forward]  He called it "kunat WHAT?"

    Captain James T. Kirk : He described it to me as meaning marriage or challenge. In the distant past, Vulcans killed to win their mates.

    Dr. McCoy : And they still go mad at this time - perhaps the price they pay for having no emotions the rest of the time.

  • T'Pring : Spock. It is I.

    Spock : T'Pring. Parted from me, and never parted. Never and always touching and touched. We meet at the appointed place.

    T'Pring : Spock. Parted from me, and never parted. Never and always touching and touched. We meet at the appointed place. I await you.

  • Spock : [wipes a tear from Christine's face with his finger]  Your face is wet.

  • Spock : Captain, lock me away.

  • Spock : It has to do with biology.

    Captain James T. Kirk : What?

    Spock : Biology.

    Captain James T. Kirk : What kind of biology?

    Spock : Vulcan biology.

    Captain James T. Kirk : You mean the biology of Vulcans? Biology as in reproduction?

See also

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