28 of 44 found this mild
A woman is asked if she is having sex with the man she is living with.
A young boy sees a man with his pants down, spanking a woman that is bent over a bed. No nudity but it is obvious that the man and woman are having sex.
A man and woman are laying in bed clothed. The woman rolls into the man and kisses him.
A kid is shown naked in a bathtub. Nothing is shown while cuddling his legs.
17 of 36 found this moderate
A man punches another man and breaks his glasses, and throws a couple more punches. He is shown with a cut and a bruise as a result.
A car is smashed head-on and we see the the aftermath in detail.
A man is shot twice offscreen and dies. Blood is shown and we see his dead body just after.
An African-American family is harassed in their home by a mob outside. Items are thrown at their house and some of their belongings are lit on fire. Their home is trashed as a result.
A man gets hit over the head with a fire poker and dies. The body is dragged to the trunk of a car.
A woman is strangled to death offscreen.
There is constant speak of characters planning on harming or killing each other. This includes women and children.
There is a bloody fight involving two men that ends with a fatality. Blood is shown on both characters.
A woman dies because she was forced to inhale too much chloroform.
A police officer beats a member of a mob with a baton.
14 of 35 found this moderate
15 F words, 5 S words, a few B words, many racial slurs.
GD and JC.
D*mn is used several times.
C*cksuckers and *ssholes are used.
18 of 25 found this mild
Narcotics are used, people are shown smoking, people are shown having alcoholic drinks but not to excess. Characters are drugged against their will.
A man is forced to Serve an alcoholic drink to other men from his in-home bar.
A family is forced to breathe chloroform until they pass out.
We briefly see a man with a drink in his house late at night.
14 of 35 found this moderate
There are many deaths, some brutally, and these are talked about as very matter-of-fact and in most cases have very little emotional effect on the characters orchestrating or committing these acts of violence. Women and children are either involved or bears witness to many of these acts.
An African-American family is threatened because of their race throughout the film. This is a constant theme and we see it get worse as a mob forms outside of their home and becomes violent towards them for multiple days.
A family is held hostage in their home until they are tied up and forced to breathe chloroform until they pass out.