Purchase, A Must
This movie is a much purchase. This movie talks about issues that are tabu in our communities among blacks and Arabs such as interacial relationships. The movie should be watched in our homes in order to bring dialog to the things that are never thought of or mentioned, but does occur and is often wondered. I think this is an excellent movie. I love to see movies were racism is addressed. I really like how this movie touches issues on interracial couples and dating outside your religion. There are a few things I'll give to this movie. I thought it was on point when it showed males of color opining that they could date interracially, but not their sisters. Others said, "It's okay to do that, so long as it isn't one of my family members." There is also an emphasis on, "Be civil to them, but don't take them home!" These are all dynamics that are common in the US, for those who are honest enough to admit it. I think this movie is well worth the buy.