9 Songs (2004)
Margo Stilley: Lisa
Lisa : [whispered] Fuck me, Matt... Matt, come up here and fuck me.
Lisa : [after snorting a line of cocaine] That was a really big lump, actually.
Lisa : Only unhappy people are bad dancers.
Lisa : Sometimes you have to have faith in people.
Lisa : [after taking some speed] You are so boring today. Boring... bo-ring... I'm sure there's someone named Bo... Bo Ring. Bo Derek...
Matt : You're so fucking interesting when you start taking pills at this time of day.
Lisa : You know what, I haven't even taken any fucking pills at this time of the day. That I take every day, that I've been taking since you fucking met me.
[when Matt indicated to the bottle of pills she just took]
Lisa : I haven't taken any of those pills. Did you see me take any of those pills? You've been sitting right in front of me. Are you sitting in front of me not even looking at me? Don't even pay any fucking attention to me.
Lisa : The Ice is everywhere and everything. It spreads to all sides unbounded void of alien whiteness in geometric rigor. The Antarctic is highest, windest, driest continents. Its topography and dynamics is the simplest on earth. An exercise of reductionism. The iceberg is the microcosm of the Antarctica. Its fragment torn loose from the continents both substance and symbol within it's ICE the burg contains record of all ICE terrains. As it moves away from the massive ICE it gradually disintegrates. Most burgs last less than two month in an open sea.