36 reviews
The successful Pink Lady cosmetics saleswoman Harmony Jones (Kim Bassinger), who uses lipsticks of her competitor to protect her lips, is very connected to Elvis Presley since she was seven years old and met him. She presently wishes to have a boy-friend and raise a family of her own, being lucky in business and unlucky in love. While traveling nearby Las Vegas, she accidentally kills three Elvis Presley impersonators, and she believes the police is chasing her. Meanwhile, she also meets Miles Taylor (John Corbett), who works in an advertising agency in New York, and is traveling to Las Vegas to finalize his divorce process with his former wife, Belinda (Denise Richards). She wants her Elvis Presley clothes back as the final condition to sign the divorce papers. Harmony sees the clothes in Miles' hands and believing he is another Elvis impersonator, she avoids him, afraid of hurting him.
My wife is a great fan of Elvis Presley (but she is not an Elvis impersonators), and I bought this DVD for her. For me, the great attraction was the always sexy and gorgeous Kim Bassinger. Denise Richards, Angie Dickinson, John Corbett, Tom Hanks and other names completed a really good cast, and we have just watched this movie. "Elvis Has Left the Building" is a very silly romantic comedy, with a quite ridiculous script near to the non-sense, but with lots of black humor. Although alternating good moments with very bad ones, I really laughed a lot. There are really funny situations and although very irregular, it entertains. My vote is six.
Title (Brazil): "Elvis Ainda Não Morreu" ("Elvis Has not Died Yet")
My wife is a great fan of Elvis Presley (but she is not an Elvis impersonators), and I bought this DVD for her. For me, the great attraction was the always sexy and gorgeous Kim Bassinger. Denise Richards, Angie Dickinson, John Corbett, Tom Hanks and other names completed a really good cast, and we have just watched this movie. "Elvis Has Left the Building" is a very silly romantic comedy, with a quite ridiculous script near to the non-sense, but with lots of black humor. Although alternating good moments with very bad ones, I really laughed a lot. There are really funny situations and although very irregular, it entertains. My vote is six.
Title (Brazil): "Elvis Ainda Não Morreu" ("Elvis Has not Died Yet")
- claudio_carvalho
- Jan 20, 2006
- Permalink
Nothing special about this movie. A great theme got sacrificed by a mediocre, almost yawnable script. A woman who sees and speaks with a young version of Elvis daily, also indirectly causes the death of any Elvis impersonator she meets. So, off to Vegas for the Elvis convention! This could have been so funny, but it's not. The manner of the mishaps was timely but unimaginative.
There main plot was a traditional destiny of romance, both actors doing fine. The dialogue was terrible, hardly anything to laugh at. Lots of great (tragic?) Elvis impersonators though. If you have ever wanted to take out some aggression on those costumed clowns, this movie gives you a tiny taste.
There main plot was a traditional destiny of romance, both actors doing fine. The dialogue was terrible, hardly anything to laugh at. Lots of great (tragic?) Elvis impersonators though. If you have ever wanted to take out some aggression on those costumed clowns, this movie gives you a tiny taste.
- thesociety
- Jan 4, 2005
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- michaelRokeefe
- Aug 22, 2005
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My main comment on this movie is how Zwick was able to get credible actors to work on this movie? Impressive cast even for the supporting characters, none of which helps this movie really. I have to admit though, Tom Hank's cameo almost made it worth it what was that about Tom? Did you lose a bet? The best cameo of the movie was Joe Isuzu though - by far a classic! The premise is good. Basinger's character, struggling with existence as a Pink Lady, is making her way toward Vegas motel by motel pitching the glorious pyramid of cosmetic sales. This happens as Corbett's character is on his way to Vegas to deliver an Elvis suit to his soon to be ex-wife motivated by
.what else
.extortion. As they both make their way, they have numerous run-ins with Elvis impersonators who on their way to an Elvis impersonating convention in Vegas. Soon, the FBI gets involved and begins to track what they think is an Elvis impersonator serial killer. Unfortunately, premise doesn't mean the movie was good.
When watching this movie, imagine you are back in the first grade when story lines and continuity aren't really important. It is much more enjoyable to just watch Basinger look beautiful in her Pink Lady outfit rather than wondering why what she is doing doesn't really make sense. The movie tries hard, but ultimately falls way way way short. Ultimately, it is filled with ideas that could have theoretically been funny but in practice were not that funny.
It isn't the worst, but you may find you yourself feel like leaving the building when watching this one Don't say I didn't warn you!
When watching this movie, imagine you are back in the first grade when story lines and continuity aren't really important. It is much more enjoyable to just watch Basinger look beautiful in her Pink Lady outfit rather than wondering why what she is doing doesn't really make sense. The movie tries hard, but ultimately falls way way way short. Ultimately, it is filled with ideas that could have theoretically been funny but in practice were not that funny.
It isn't the worst, but you may find you yourself feel like leaving the building when watching this one Don't say I didn't warn you!
Elvis has left the building and he's lucky because he didn't have to watch this unfunny stinker. Scene after scene director Joel Zwick finds ways to make an unfunny script even less amusing. Filled with unfunny deaths, trite gay characteratures, and hack jokes, this film is more desperate than amusing. This is the sort of film that makes one hope Kim Basinger follows Doris Day into premature retirement. Let us remember her the way she was (talented) and not what she's become. David Leisure, the delicious Dennis Richards and the rest are all wasted talents here. Zwick finds a way to minimize their talents at every turn. The guy playing Elvis sounds more like Gomer than the King.The only really good bit of casting is the young girl who plays Basinger as a preteen. She really looks like her and is actually pretty good. The only other reason to watch this film at all is to look for the Tom Hanks cameo. The cameo isn't all that funny, but at least its not painful. One has to wonder if Zwick has incriminating pictures of Hanks or something that would make him do this movie.
- zsenorsock
- Apr 8, 2006
- Permalink
Darkly comic serendipity about a cosmetics saleswoman, one with odd ties to Elvis Presley, running into a sea of Elvis impersonators while speaking at conventions in Nevada...and accidentally killing each one of them through little fault of her own. Kim Basinger, a still-attractive actress of considerable merit, likes to pick quirky movies to play in, but this dreadful screenplay (by Mitchell Ganem and Adam-Michael Garber) hasn't an iota of good humor. The stereotypes and low-ball gags are not meant to be the stuff of classic comedy, but even on a shambling, shameful level, the picture is crude and sloppy. If you do watch, see if you can count how many extraneous shots there are of Basinger behind the wheel of her pink Cadillac, hands always in the same position and with a nonplussed look on her face. Hopefully she and Elvis were well paid. NO STARS from ****
- moonspinner55
- Aug 10, 2008
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Being an Elvis fan, I can't understand how this proyect could be done. Is by far the worst Elvis related movie of all time, totally unfunny, silly and plenty of mistakes about The King. Come on, Elvis' grave in a public park? A mention about Suspicious Minds in 1958?...and these are just two examples. Some people in the cast tries to do their best, Mike Starr is funny (specially as an impersonator), the Tom Hanks cameo is a surprise, but the guy playing the young Elvis sucks.Overall the movie lacks fun and becomes more boring minute after minute. If you want to see an ultra cheap, insane but absolutely funny little film related to Elvis, I truly recommend you "Bubba Ho-Tep" instead of this mess.
- psychoren2002
- Sep 23, 2006
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Okay, it's not Spielberg, but it's a little movie that's a lot of fun. Competent performances by Basinger and Corbett certainly help sell the premise, but it's a screwball comedy a la "The Russians Are Coming". Besides, how bad could a dark comedy be whose focus is on an Elvis impersonator convention? Help comes in many forms including appearances by Denise Richards, Angie Dickenson, Pat Morita, Richard Kind, and Annie Potts. Other cameos spice things a bit. If don't mind spending 90 minutes on a little quirky movie that delivers a few good laughs and a lot of amusing moments rent the DVD. It's worth it. This last line is in here because IMDb makes you write ten lines.
One of the worst films I have ever seen. How to define "worst?" I would prefer having both eye balls yanked out and then be forced to tap dance on them than ever view this pitiful dreck again. Somehow, One-Hit Wonder Zwick manages a film that simultaneously offends Elvis fans, Mary Kay saleswomen, Las Vegas, gays, FBI agents and the rest of humanity with any intelligence with a shoddy, sloppy farce so forced it deserves to be forsaken ed. How Elvis Presley Enterprises could allow the rights of actual Elvis songs to be used in a film with a central premise that seems to be "The only good Elvis Presley Imitator is a dead one" is beyond me. The worst part of this mess - and that takes some work - is the mangled script: In 1958, Elvis' words and songs that he would speak/perform in the 1970's are quoted! Worst special effect? That Oscar would go to the moron who decided that Elvis' grave, potentially the most photographed/recognizable grave in the world, resembles a pyramid with a gold record glued atop and is situated in the middle of a park somewhere. Potentially, this film's biggest audience would be Elvis fans. However, the rampant stupidity (Nixon gave Elvis a DEA badge, not FBI credentials...and I could go on and on) actually undercuts THAT conventional wisdom. Ugh. I used the word "wisdom" to describe this stupid movie. This is truly a horrible, horrible film.
- Marksweetwood
- Aug 14, 2005
- Permalink
This is a comedy of coincidence, where Kim Basinger is a traveling saleswoman for the Pink Lady cosmetics company, driving a pink Cadillac and wearing pink all over. Add to this horror the bad taste of Elvis impersonators appearing everywhere and the fact that whenever Kim is around some Elvis impersonator dies accidentally, and you have a wacky comedy.
Of course, there is a bit of romantic comedy hidden in this movie, a bit of the "neorealist" trend with the two investigating cops being the complete opposite of each other and also a couple, talking even more nonsense than Travolta and Jackson in Pulp Fiction. But the main theme of the movie seems to me the breakthrough of life from the sea of mediocre bad taste.
In the end Kim wears black, finds her true love and Elvis takes revenge on the silly people emulating him. Can't say it's a good movie, but it has that bit of originality that makes it stand out. And it's fun, too, if you don't feel the need for something profound.
Of course, there is a bit of romantic comedy hidden in this movie, a bit of the "neorealist" trend with the two investigating cops being the complete opposite of each other and also a couple, talking even more nonsense than Travolta and Jackson in Pulp Fiction. But the main theme of the movie seems to me the breakthrough of life from the sea of mediocre bad taste.
In the end Kim wears black, finds her true love and Elvis takes revenge on the silly people emulating him. Can't say it's a good movie, but it has that bit of originality that makes it stand out. And it's fun, too, if you don't feel the need for something profound.
OMG! The only reason I'm giving this movie a 2 instead of a 1 is because Tom Hanks is funny as an Elvis-in-the-box. Apart from that, how did this halfway decent cast sign on to do such a lame movie?? Maybe it seemed like a good idea at the time... There are no laughs to mention, the stereotypes are pathetic, the cast is wasted, the direction is amateurish. Now that I think about it, most of the blame probably lies with the director, Joel Zwick. He brings out nothing but flat performances from all involved. Don't waste your time like I did; but then, I enjoy a good train wreck. Geez, now the system is telling me I need more lines-- here ya go: This movie should be called Return to Sender. Okay, now THAT was funnier than anything in the movie...
- gpaltrow2001
- May 11, 2008
- Permalink
This movie was a delightful surprise. I laughed all the way through it. Although it poked some gentle fun at Elvis impressionists and a number of other things, it left the memory of the King alive and well. I wish I had seen it on the big screen.
I enjoyed seeing Kim Basinger in this movie and she was quite funny. She is still looking good.The romance in the movie was a bit predictable, but didn't take away from it at all. You just need to be in the mood to watch something silly and enjoy it for what it is. The cameo appearances by some well known actors added to the film. I had to check the credits to make sure I was seeing who I thought I was seeing in one scene.
I enjoyed seeing Kim Basinger in this movie and she was quite funny. She is still looking good.The romance in the movie was a bit predictable, but didn't take away from it at all. You just need to be in the mood to watch something silly and enjoy it for what it is. The cameo appearances by some well known actors added to the film. I had to check the credits to make sure I was seeing who I thought I was seeing in one scene.
I had very divisive hopes for ELVIS HAS LEFT THE BUILDING. While I am not a huge fan of Elvis Presley I like some of his songs, last July I saw the biopic with Austin Butler and this has a cast full of big names. On the other hand, it has a bad score of 5,0 and various reviews with 4s and 5s. So, with hunger for my masochist side, I sat and watched and... I didn't hated it but to my surprise, found it funny.
Harmony Jones (Kim Basinger) is a Pink Lady traveling saleswoman of cosmetics that in the beginning is seen driving a long road with the background music of Elvis, and thinks that her life is shallow and empty despite she has success in selling her products. As she is trying to find what she misses from her life, she kills in hilarious ways many Elvis impersonators up to her way to Vegas and pursued by Miles (John Corbett), and probably he's her true love, but for knowing it it's best to see the movie for yourselves.
While this isn't something intelectual or tought-provoking, it's still funny and watchable. Basinger gives another great comedic turn, and she is surrounded by many talented performers: John Corbett as her pursuer, Sean Astin as an agent for a fashion design company, Mike Starr as an FBI agent, Denise Richards as Corbett's former girlfriend, Angie Dickinson as Basinger's mom. And some of the situations were laugh out loud, especially the ones involving Starr.
Don't trust the reviews for this one because, if you want to see a movie for simply don't think too much and have some laughs, this serves the purpose well. After all, not every movie is meant to be a masterpiece.
Harmony Jones (Kim Basinger) is a Pink Lady traveling saleswoman of cosmetics that in the beginning is seen driving a long road with the background music of Elvis, and thinks that her life is shallow and empty despite she has success in selling her products. As she is trying to find what she misses from her life, she kills in hilarious ways many Elvis impersonators up to her way to Vegas and pursued by Miles (John Corbett), and probably he's her true love, but for knowing it it's best to see the movie for yourselves.
While this isn't something intelectual or tought-provoking, it's still funny and watchable. Basinger gives another great comedic turn, and she is surrounded by many talented performers: John Corbett as her pursuer, Sean Astin as an agent for a fashion design company, Mike Starr as an FBI agent, Denise Richards as Corbett's former girlfriend, Angie Dickinson as Basinger's mom. And some of the situations were laugh out loud, especially the ones involving Starr.
Don't trust the reviews for this one because, if you want to see a movie for simply don't think too much and have some laughs, this serves the purpose well. After all, not every movie is meant to be a masterpiece.
- bellino-angelo2014
- Dec 9, 2022
- Permalink
The film is poorly casted, except for some familiar old Hollywood names. Other performances by unknown names (i.e., Jennifer Gabrielle) are uninspiring. I have seen other films by this director, unfortunately this is one of his worst. Perhaps this is a reflection of the screenplay?
In a positive note, Kim Bassinger's and Pat Morita's performance saved the movie from oblivion. I enjoyed Pat more in Karate Kid, though. There are many good movies to see, and in short, this one is not one of them. Save your money and the celluloid.
Jason Vanness
In a positive note, Kim Bassinger's and Pat Morita's performance saved the movie from oblivion. I enjoyed Pat more in Karate Kid, though. There are many good movies to see, and in short, this one is not one of them. Save your money and the celluloid.
Jason Vanness
- jason_vanness
- Feb 2, 2005
- Permalink
I've recently seen ELVIS HAS LEFT THE BUILDING. I was a guest at a private screening.
Kim Basinger plays a very good part and John Corbett is suave and cool. The movie is very entertaining and combined with the original ELVIS tracks adds a great balance. Pat Morita makes a cameo appearance and Sean Austin and Denise Richards add to an already impressive cast. Joel Zwick the director does a great job and we see him play the 'squashed elvis'. I was also surprised to see TOM HANKS play the 'mailbox elvis'.
BMG have the soundtrack for worldwide distribution and includes 8 Elvis original masters plus 4 cover songs: Norah Jones singing "LOVE ME TENDER, famous d.j. Paul Oakenfold remix of I GOT STUNG (his last remix was A LITTLE LESS CONVERSATION). Melissa Etheridge singing HARD HEADED WOMAN and Baby Face singing the ballad of IT'S NOW OR NEVER.
Elvis lives, see the movie its good fun.
Kim Basinger plays a very good part and John Corbett is suave and cool. The movie is very entertaining and combined with the original ELVIS tracks adds a great balance. Pat Morita makes a cameo appearance and Sean Austin and Denise Richards add to an already impressive cast. Joel Zwick the director does a great job and we see him play the 'squashed elvis'. I was also surprised to see TOM HANKS play the 'mailbox elvis'.
BMG have the soundtrack for worldwide distribution and includes 8 Elvis original masters plus 4 cover songs: Norah Jones singing "LOVE ME TENDER, famous d.j. Paul Oakenfold remix of I GOT STUNG (his last remix was A LITTLE LESS CONVERSATION). Melissa Etheridge singing HARD HEADED WOMAN and Baby Face singing the ballad of IT'S NOW OR NEVER.
Elvis lives, see the movie its good fun.
- pqshindelus-1
- May 9, 2005
- Permalink
Something amusing for sure and just done in a nonchalant hokum way. OK for Elvis related interest. Yay whoa. Yea excellentCarzycrazy
- tptensToadykingPiaCatDogSnailAnt
- Feb 24, 2020
- Permalink
I am not sure what did they want with this film? I am not sure there is really the point or was I mistaken? Plot, is there really one? I did laugh some, but it did not give laugh to die for. I am not thrilled at all about it.
Acting is OK for this type of film, but I am not sure that it improved the whole experience. Kim Basinger was OK, but that was about all there it was about it. Elvis impersonators did not really thrilled me.
There was some good music and bloopers were cute, otherwise nothing really to remember.
If you like Elvis and his impersonators this is a film for you, otherwise I would skip this film with no second thoughts about it.
Acting is OK for this type of film, but I am not sure that it improved the whole experience. Kim Basinger was OK, but that was about all there it was about it. Elvis impersonators did not really thrilled me.
There was some good music and bloopers were cute, otherwise nothing really to remember.
If you like Elvis and his impersonators this is a film for you, otherwise I would skip this film with no second thoughts about it.
- petarmatic
- May 20, 2014
- Permalink
A lightweight comedy - amusing rather than laugh-out-loud - this film is carried by the attractiveness of its leads (Kim Basinger at 50 is stunning, and more than a match for John Corbett, eight years her junior).
There are a number of good supporting actors - Philip Charles MacKenzie's gay receptionist is a joy - and cameos, notably Tom Hanks. Mike Starr and Phill Lewis's two cops routine is a little too hackneyed for my taste, although their two Elvis impressionists' number is worthwhile.
Altogether a very silly movie, but not unenjoyable.
There are a number of good supporting actors - Philip Charles MacKenzie's gay receptionist is a joy - and cameos, notably Tom Hanks. Mike Starr and Phill Lewis's two cops routine is a little too hackneyed for my taste, although their two Elvis impressionists' number is worthwhile.
Altogether a very silly movie, but not unenjoyable.
Harmony jones (kim basinger, after making eight mile) sells pink lady cosmetics. She even has the pink cadillac. But when she meets an elvis impersonator, bad things start happening. And keep happening! Can harmony break the curse? And maybe find true love? Miles ( john corbett from northern exposure) is kind of along for the ride. It's fun! Annie potts steals the show, as always, with her accents and tell it like it is attitude. Some running gags. Some other familiar faces in smaller roles. Sean astin, denise richards, tom hanks, angie dickinson. Some elvis jokes, some vegas jokes. A drive by for wayne newton. It's mostly an ode to elvis. Not really sure what the spider bit was for... it didn't really serve any purpose. Also a pretty low key ending; no big chase scene or shoot out. Good ol fun in vegas! Even the fbi enters the elvis contest... for research, of course. Directed by joel zwick, probably best known for greek wedding. Some fun out-takes.
That cameo was the only time I laughed in the whole movie. Not at the gag in the scene, but by how colossally stupid the cameo was.
The gags...are not even gags. The delivery is so inept.
The script...the romance is like the romance between two nine year olds. I know it's supposed to be light, but I expect a little conversation, or even interaction on any level so I can suspend my disbelief.
Funny premise. That's it. The delivery is so slow, laboured, dwelling on all the wrong moments. Even the gags are framed incorrectly (which at times even confuses the scene so you can't even tie it to the premise).
The director seems to have made a career from tv sitcoms. I wouldn't hire this guy to shoot a ten second ad
The gags...are not even gags. The delivery is so inept.
The script...the romance is like the romance between two nine year olds. I know it's supposed to be light, but I expect a little conversation, or even interaction on any level so I can suspend my disbelief.
Funny premise. That's it. The delivery is so slow, laboured, dwelling on all the wrong moments. Even the gags are framed incorrectly (which at times even confuses the scene so you can't even tie it to the premise).
The director seems to have made a career from tv sitcoms. I wouldn't hire this guy to shoot a ten second ad
- edmundgrieg-80388
- Jul 11, 2018
- Permalink
I'm not saying this is the best movie I have ever seen. It is, however, a pretty funny movie. I had a special connection Elvis (and still do) and watching this movie helped me, in a way, feel a little closer to him. The movie is about Elvis impersonators. Harmony clearly had a connection with Elvis like I did. She respected him like I do. And since I do, I was a bit hesitant about watching this movie. But as I started watching it, I realized it's not trying to offend Elvis, but it's simply giving out a message that maybe it would bother Elvis, having all the impersonators around. Knowing Elvis, it probably would. So, while this isn't the greatest movie around, it definitely gives a message in a humorous way. My connection with Elvis just got stronger!
I just loved John Corbett he was so cute and it helped made this movie watchable. Kim Bassinger played a super role too. Some of the E.T.A.;'s well words fail me on them but it was a comedy after all. I enjoyed it.
I also love John in "My Fat Greek Wedding". he is so cute. Does anyone know if there'a a fan club for him?
I loved the scenes but is it near Laughlin NV?
Does John appear in any other movies? I love anything to with Elvis. I loved the shoots at Viva Las Vegas Villas I have stayed there recently.
Does anyone know who some of the Elvis guys who appeared in this movie and are they working as Elvis or just did it for the movie?
I also love John in "My Fat Greek Wedding". he is so cute. Does anyone know if there'a a fan club for him?
I loved the scenes but is it near Laughlin NV?
Does John appear in any other movies? I love anything to with Elvis. I loved the shoots at Viva Las Vegas Villas I have stayed there recently.
Does anyone know who some of the Elvis guys who appeared in this movie and are they working as Elvis or just did it for the movie?
- tcb_elvis_fan_club
- Dec 18, 2005
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