One female assassin manages to cut Dave on his shoulder with a curved blade. In next shot his leather jacket is uncut and spotless. But in later shot he is shown to be cut and bleeding when his clothes are removed and glue is applied to the cut.
The doctor urgently contacts Joe at midnight about the incorrect test results. Since the doctor does not know about the assassins coming for Joe, his urgency makes little sense.
The doctor may have not been aware of the assassins, but he may have still been mortified over the misdiagnosis, and he wanted to clear things up with Joe straight away.
The doctor may have not been aware of the assassins, but he may have still been mortified over the misdiagnosis, and he wanted to clear things up with Joe straight away.
When Maize is cuddled up with Joe, whose hand is he holding. In that position, it is not possible for Maize's hand to be there.
Joe hires assassins because the life insurance policy does not pay out if he commits suicide. Since the life insurance is fake, Zvi and Joe could write whatever terms they choose.