As light, fluffy, cockle-warming holiday entertainment, this thing is pretty sweet.
Christian Science MonitorDavid Sterritt
Christian Science MonitorDavid Sterritt
There are a few amusing moments, helped by subdued performances from Affleck and Gandolfini, but this is no "Bad Santa" despite its obvious ambition to play similar holiday tricks.
ReelViewsJames Berardinelli
ReelViewsJames Berardinelli
Can't decide whether it wants to be a black comedy, dumb farce, or sentimental sit-com.
The New York TimesStephen Holden
The New York TimesStephen Holden
As you watch the comedy lurch along, the woozy, sinking sensation it produces suggests a movie slapped together after the consumption of far too many gallons of that spiked eggnog.
Dallas ObserverGregory Weinkauf
Dallas ObserverGregory Weinkauf
Wrenches paltry giggles and cheap warmth from a screenplay that makes "Son in Law" seem like Sam Shepard. But wretched Affleck is the real liability.
An almost mirth-free, poorly conceived comedy destined to offer Ben Affleck bashers satchels full of new ammunition.
L.A. WeeklyScott Foundas
L.A. WeeklyScott Foundas
It's screen comedy at the end of its tether, Capra-corn gone rancid.
The Hollywood ReporterKirk Honeycutt
The Hollywood ReporterKirk Honeycutt
A lame comic premise, a tiresome-bordering-on-obnoxious protagonist and a script devoid of humor is a lot to overcome for any movie, and Surviving Christmas is not the one to do it.
Village VoiceJessica Winter
Village VoiceJessica Winter
This ghastly comedy emits the subliminal whine of a sucking chest wound.