Made (2001) Poster


Jon Favreau: Bobby



  • Ricky Slade : We need guns.

    Bobby : We don't need guns.

    Ricky Slade : I'm telling you man, I'm pretty sure we need guns.

    Bobby : I listened to them and they specifically said we don't need guns.

    Ricky Slade : That's all the more reason why you do need a gun.

    Bobby : You couldn't even get a gun.

    Ricky Slade : You wanna bet, you wanna bet me if I could get a gun?

    Bobby : You couldn't get a handjob from the bridge and tunnel posse.

    Ricky Slade : That's because that fuckin' girl had issues with the bathtub and the other thing. Now float me a hundred bucks.

    Bobby : For what?

    Ricky Slade : You wanna see how fast I can get a gun?

    Bobby : What happened to your money?

    Ricky Slade : I have it, I have some stuff left.

    Bobby : How much?

    Ricky Slade : I've got like 80.

    Bobby : $80!

    Ricky Slade : 80 plus five, I've got five in the room, $85.

    Bobby : $85, what happened to the 1500?

    Ricky Slade : Well you could have picked up a fuckin' tab once in a while!

    Bobby : I picked up half the fuckin' tab!

  • [Ricky tries to convince Bob they should get a gun] 

    Ricky Slade : Here's scenario B for you Bob, see how you feel about this one. Now I don't know if you've noticed this or not, but I think I'm starting to get under Ruiz's skin as well, OK? It all started with the whole Red Dragon, or the Welsh guy, whatever, they can play it down all they want but you know 200 grand's a lot of fucking money! It's a fucking lot of money! OK? 200 grand is definitely a lot of fucking money! And now I've got Ruiz calling me fucking Fruit-Pie the fucking magician! Tellin' me that I can't fucking call my main man Max, who fucking sent me out on the fucking operation? And what about the Welsh guy? He's fucking scat all over, they fucking disappear and talk! And you haven't noticed this either but when he's not fucking looking at me or you're fucking doing whatever, I've got fucking Jimmy in the mirror with his shit too. It's fucking coming at me from here, I don't know where it is! It might be coming this way, it might be coming that way, but the fucking shit's coming and I'm not gonna be late for the fucking dance man, I'm not gonna be fucking late for the dance on this one.

    Bobby : You're not getting a gun.

  • Ricky Slade : [to Jim the Driver] 

    [rolls window up] 

    Ricky Slade : Takin' a time out from you, Jimbo.

    Bobby : That's not cool.

    Ricky Slade : I don't want him fuckin' looking at me all the time.

    Bobby : I don't want him to think your fuckin' blowing me.

    Ricky Slade : You're so fucking wierd.

  • Bobby : Asshole-ay.

    Ricky Slade : Did you hear that? What do ya think of that? Huh?

  • Bernardo : What is your name?

    Bobby : Er, Bobby Ricigliano.

    Bernardo : Christ is everyone in this god damned house named Bobby Ricigliano?

  • Ricky Slade : I don't know why we don't get a drink, sittin' inside this place.

    Bobby : Chloe wanted to come here.

    Ricky Slade : She doesn't know where the hell she is, Bob. She'd have more fun if we were at Bordner's. She could play the trivia game that she likes or the little racing game thing she does .

    Bobby : She's a little girl, little girls don't like going to bars.

    Ricky Slade : We had fun. We went to bars when we were kids. Met all the different people. Right? Remember Slimmy?

    Salesperson : Excuse me sir, there's no smoking in here.

    Ricky Slade : Why, you serving food?

    Salesperson : No, it's store policy. And you can't sit at a station without purchasing a ceramic.

    Ricky Slade : You believe this shit. I can't sit at a station without purchasing a ceramic. Well, why don't you bring me a ashtray then. Can I color me that, a ceramic ashtray?

  • Ricky Slade : We're gonna take a break from you Jimmy.

    [Rolls up window in limo] 

    Bobby : Could you not do that?

    Ricky Slade : Do what?

    Bobby : I don't want him to think that you're blowing me back here.

  • Ricky Slade : OK, Bob, you knocked the Jew's tooth out, right? That's gonna cost Max 8 grand, maybe more than 8 grand. You probably lost him his whole line of clientele too. Plus, you've been fucking up Jess' dancing. Now I think he knows I sold the fucking carpet van, he's been giving me looks and shit which leads to that, OK? Now he can't kill us in Los Angeles cause there's a lot of questions there right? But all of a sudden he flies us out to New York City to do a drop? We don't know what the fuck the drop is, OK? But if we disappeared out here, there's no fucking questions involved in that. There's no questions if we disappear. LA, questions, drop out here, not a lot of questions!

    Bobby : How do you come up with this shit?

  • Bobby : You're running around like a Puerto Rican on the fifteenth of the month!

  • Ricky Slade : Fucking embarrassing - gotta ride around town on a motorcycle with a guy who doesnt have a fucking shirt on.

    Bobby : Suck it up.

  • Max : [midst of instructions for NY trip]  Yes, for expenses and such. Now, you'll be contacted on your pager as to where you should go. You each have been given an extra battery, so there is absolutely no excuse as to why a page would not be immediately returned. Am I making myself abundantly clear?

    Bobby : Yeah.

    Ricky Slade : Yeah.

    Max : You will not carry any other pagers with you. You will not carry anything, for that matter, that I have not just given you.

    Ricky Slade : Keys.

    Max : What?

    Ricky Slade : What about my keys?

    Max : You can carry your keys. You will not mention my name or imply that you are in my employ. You will not speak to anyone while you are working. When you are not working, you are considered to be on call and available twenty four hours a day. This means you will not get drunk or do anything that will prevent you from operating in a professional manner. There is already a number in your pager's memory. It is a car service. When they ask you what account, you will respond: 'Cardiff Giant.' They will pick you up and take you anywhere you need to go. In other words, there is no reason why you should not reach any destination that you will be called upon to reach within fifteen minutes. Do you see a pattern forming?

    Ricky Slade : Yes.

    Bobby : Yes.

    Max : What is it?

    Bobby : You want

    [Max interrupts] 

    Max : Not you. I want Ricky to answer.

    Ricky Slade : I get it.

    Max : Tell me.

    Ricky Slade : Don't worry. I get it.

    Max : So tell me how it is.

    Ricky Slade : You want

    [stop in mid sentence] 

    Ricky Slade : why are you picking on.

    Max : Because you lost my fucking carpet cleaning van and I don't like you. You cocksucker!

  • Ricky Slade : You wanna bet me that I can't get a gun?

    Bobby : You couldn't even get a handjob from the bridge and tunnel posse at the club last night!

  • Ricky Slade : [getting dropped off at motel by Bobby]  Be right up sweetie.

    Bobby : Isn't that the wife from the house?

    Ricky Slade : You know how I do.

See also

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