Pierre Danny credited as playing...
M. André
- Lena: Where are we?
- M. André: We've arrived, Madam.
- Lena: Ah. Umm.
- M. André: Impressive, huh?
- Lena: Oh. I've learned not to reveal my true emotions.
- M. André: Me too, Madam.
- Lena: Is that so?
- [knees André in the groin]
- M. André: [doubled over] Ooh. Ohh. If Madam will permit me, she's a dirty rotten bitch.
- Lena: [laughing] Thanks. I adore compliments.
- M. André: Jung, be nasty now. Be dirty.
- Jung: I'll scratch your eyes out, bastard.
- M. André: You hate me.
- Jung: I can't stand you. You're sick. You're rotten. You're a masochist weirdo. You're a damn son of a bitch. You're evil and horrible, ugly and revolting, and when you're dead and maggoty, I'll go shit on your grave, and laugh.