Ossie Davis credited as playing...
- Yar: [both are giving mating advice, Yar to the males, Plio to the females] Okay boys, gather round: listen and learn from the Master.
- Plio: Now girls, don't jump into the trees after the first boy with a cute back-flip: it's more fun if you keep them guessing.
- Yar: And if a cute back-flip doesn't work, guess.
- Plio: You're never going to forget this day, so make it one to remember.
- Yar: But if you mess up, don't worry: they'll never remember.
- [Yar is trying to dissuade Plio from raising the baby Aladar]
- Plio: [vexed] *What* is going on with you?
- Yar: [exasperated] Plio... That *thing* is DANGEROUS!
- Plio: [to baby Aladar;regretfully sighs] I'm sorry, little one.
- [to Yar, handing baby Aladar over to him]
- Plio: Okay, get rid of it.
- Yar: [Yar gasps]
- Plio: [coyishly and sarcastically] Hmph!
- [Plio sits on a patch of moss to seemingly watch Yar get rid of baby Aladar]
- Yar: Alright, he will...
- [Yar lifts baby Aladar over the edge of the branch, preparing to drop the dinosaur baby to his death. All the other lemurs are watching him. Instead of dropping baby Aladar, Yar heistates, grumbling to himself as though trying to will himself to do the job]
- Plio: [sarcastically] You better hurry, Dad. It looks hungry.
- Yar: wha-?
- [Yar looks at Baby Aladar. Baby Aladar coes and looks at Yar with droopy eyelids. Yar grumbles indecively, trying hard not to be overcome with tenderness for the baby dinosaur. Then, he closes his eyes and sighs, defeated. Yar hears a strange sound and opens his eyes to see that baby Aladar is peeing on him]
- Yar: [disgusted, defeated; handing Aladar back to Plio] Rmmm... Here.
- Plio: [smiling] It's okay. We'll teach him to hate meat.
- Aladar: [after spooking Eema] Oh... sorry about that. It's just that, we overheard you talking and, um...
- [Url drops a rock enthusiastically at his feet, Aladar looks confused]
- Eema: Well, my word. Look at Url. He doesn't normally warm up to strangers so fast.
- Baylene: [Sniffing the lemurs on Aladar's back] What an unfortunate blemish.
- Eema: A good mud bath'll clear those right up.
- Yar: *Excuse* me?
- [Eema jumps back, appalled]
- Zini: [Aladar, Eeema, Earl, Bayleen and the Lemurs are wandering through the cave. Zini is trying to pass the time by playing "I Spy"] Okay, let's start over again. I spy with my little eye...
- Yar: [very unenthusiatically] A rock.
- Zini: [excitedly] You got it again! Oh! You are so good at this!
- Eema: I'll tell you what I spy... A dead end.
- Young Zini: Yar, what is it?
- Yar: I don't know.
- Yar: [goes out looking for the egg] Plio, get back here! We don't know what it is!
- Young Zini: Plio, be careful.
- Plio: [she goes searching for a fallen Iguanodon egg and the two leamars are still looking around and Plio saw the egg hatching and Plio opens the egg] Dad, get over here.
- Yar: [when Zini was about to see the egg] Zini, it's not safe.
- Young Zini: Oh, I always have to go when stuff's happening.
- Yar: Hmph.
- Yar: [looks at Plio] Well, what is it?
- Plio: It was an egg. Look!
- Yar: [gasps]
- Plio: [seriously] What?
- Yar: [frightenly] It's a cold-blooded monster from across the sea. VICIOUS, FLESH-EATING.
- Yar: [baby Aladar burps] Blegh!
- Plio: Looks like a baby to me.
- Yar: Babies grow up. You keep that thing, one day we'll turn our backs-- It'll be picking us out of its TEETH.
- Yar: [the little leamars are gasping] Things like that EAT THAT like US as SNACKS!
- Plio: So, what do we do?
- Yar: Get rid of it!