Hercules (1997)
Jim Cummings: Nessus the River Centaur, Tall Thebian, Elderly Thebian
Hercules : Pardon me. It seems to me that what you folks need is a hero.
Tall Thebian : Yeah? And who are you?
Hercules : I'm Hercules, and I happen to be... a hero.
[All laugh]
Elderly Thebian : Is that so? Have you ever saved a town before?
Hercules : Uh... no, not exactly. But...
Tall Thebian : Have you ever reversed a natural disaster?
Hercules : Well... no.
Tall Thebian : Will you listen to this? He's just another chariot chaser. This we need.
Heavyset Woman : It was tragic. We lost everything in the fire.
Burnt Man : Everything except old Snowball here.
Tall Thebian : Now were the fires before or after the earthquake?
Earthquake Lady : They were after the earthquake, I remember.
Heavyset Woman : But before the flood.
Elderly Thebian : Don't even get me started on the crime rate!
Heavyset Woman : Thebes has certainly gone downhill in a hurry.
Elderly Thebian : Tell me about it! It seems like every time I turn around, there's some new monster wreakin' havoc and I...
Burnt Man : All we need now is a plague of locusts.
[a locust jumps on and chirps, everyone screams]
Elderly Thebian : That's it! I'm movin' to Sparta!
Hercules : Halt!
Nessus the River Centaur : Step aside, Two-Legs.
Hercules : Pardon me, my good, uh... uh... sir!
Burnt Man : Hey, isn't that the goat-man who trained Achilles?
Phil : Watch it, pal!
Tall Thebian : Yeah, you're right. Hey, uh, nice job on those heels! Ya missed a spot!
Phil : You... I got your heel! Right here!
[Phil head-butts the Tall Thebian]
Tall Thebian : That's Phil's boy!
[Hercules appears in the stars]
Meg : I swear, Nessus, put me down or I'll...
Nessus the River Centaur : I like 'em fiery!
Nessus the River Centaur : Step aside, two-legs!