When Steve gets sprayed with the fire extinguisher he is wearing a pair of khakis and a sweater but when we see him a while later he is still sprayed but wearing blue jeans and a jacket. Later still, he is back to the original outfit.
When Mike is stapling campaign posters to a row of trees alongside a dirt road in the woods, he staples his hand with the staple gun and screams in pain. But as he pulls his hand away, there is no staple in his hand.
When the boulder hits the cabin, the refrigerator moves forward, along with everything else, and the door flies open. When Mike and Steve walk back inside the cabin, the refrigerator door is magically closed.
In the first scene where Mike Donnelly is driving the campaign truck, he hits the worker's metal ladder making it pivot and move many feet, yet the next shot shows it perpendicular to the truck as it was before being hit.
When Al talks to Mike on the football field, Al puts his arm around Mike's shoulders. It then cuts to a closer shot of Mike and Al's arm is not there.
When Steve and Mike are playing checkers, Steve takes 1/2 of a double jump the second half of which would have resulted in a king. The rules of checkers would have required him to finish the double jump.
The newspaper Grandma Coleary is reading at the end of the movie states that the Seattle Seahawks are going to the Super Bowl. The Super Bowl usually takes place in late January/early February. An election for state governor would not occur around the same time as the Super Bowl.
When Mike is pulled over in the modified Chevy Caprice police car, he tells the officer that it has a 426 Hemi engine. That is a Chrysler built engine and it is highly unlikely that a late 80s GM car would be modified with one.
When he was hitting parking meters pennies flew out as well as quarters. Parking meters never take pennies.
Obvious stunt double when when Mike is being dragged by the airplane.
While Mike and Steve are trying to remove the bat from the cabin using the sheet, Mike yells "Oh my God - it touched my hand!" However, as he's saying this, the bat is on Steve's side of the sheet - not even close to Mike.
When Mike is being dragged behind a car by his tie in the grocery store parking lot, the harness that he's wearing is visible in close ups.
Obvious stunt double when Mike swings off the vine into the lake.
When Mike gets his tie caught in the trunk, one can clearly see that once he slammed the trunk his tie was hanging straight down, both ends of his tie, and didn't get caught by the trunk.
The wind velocity to blow the roof off the cabin would take hurricane speeds, yet the trees seen around the cabin are barely moving.
When Mike is being dragged by the car the sparks are coming not from his metal belt buckle, but his abdomen area, where there is nothing that would cause a spark.
When Steve was at the cabin attempting to make a cell phone call, it was shown that he was frustrated about not getting coverage, yet when he called, a busy signal was heard indicating that he was indeed connecting, but the other line was busy.
When the snakes are brought up out of the well, you hear rattles, yet none of them are rattlesnakes.
When Mike suggests to Scott that they go to park every day to practice throwing, we hear Scott reply "Sure", but he is smiling at his grandmother without moving his mouth.
When Governor Tracy is moving through the restaurant talking to an advisor you can clearly see the words "Roosevelt Hotel" lit up in red letters behind her in the distance. As this historic hotel is located in L.A., her event could not have taken place in Washington state.
While it may be easy to prove that dead people are still on the voter rolls, there is no way to prove which candidate they voted for.
When Governor Tracys is giving her acceptance speech she thanks her children, Andrew and Patrick, but she has her two children standing on stage with her - a boy and a girl.
As Mike Donnelly is reading the names of Drake Sabitch's forefathers at the inauguration, he says one relative died at Iwo Jima in 1944. The battle of Iwo Jima was February to March 1945.