Outbreak (1995)
Cuba Gooding Jr.: Major Salt
Sam Daniels : You know Salt, fear gets a bad rap. I don't want anybody in my outfit that doesn't get scared.
Major Salt : Then I'm your man sir.
Sam Daniels : Just don't get negative on me.
Major Salt : Affirmative.
Sam Daniels : Colonel Daniels from USAMRIID.
George Armistead : Yes, and I'm George from Sioux City, SD. Back of the line colonel
Sam Daniels : We got a terrible epidemic. We're from Cedar Creek, CA
Major Salt : [shouts at everyone] Cedar Creek, site of the viral infection
[everyone backs away]
Sam Daniels : George, you heard about the virus? need we say more?
George Armistead : NO
Sam Daniels : [holding George hands] We need all the bills of landing from ships arriving from Africa in the last 3 months. George, shall I cough on you?
George Armistead : NO
Sergeant Meyer : Sir, my pilot is taking a leak.
Sam Daniels : A leak? No shit! Well, in that case, we'll just wait in the Loach.
Sergeant Meyer : Sir.
Sam Daniels : You better tell him to squeeze it off, Sergeant.
Sergeant Meyer : Sir?
Major Salt : How about you give him a hand, Sergeant?
Major Salt : [flying a helicopter over a freighter boat] I can get you down close enough.
Sam Daniels : Close enough to what?
Major Salt : Jump, sir.
Sam Daniels : Are you serious?
Major Salt : Fine, *you* fly, and *I'll* jump.
Sam Daniels : Alright, just get me down lower.
[Sam, Salt, and Casey are examining the virus via computer]
Major Salt : Okay, sirs, here we go. These pictures were taken over a period of eight hours. Normal, healthy kidney cells before they met the virus.
[the computer supports Salt's following claims]
Major Salt : In the space of an hour, a single virus has invaded, multiplied and killed the cell. And in just two hours, its offspring have invaded cells
[points at the screen]
Major Salt : here, and here. Continually multiplying.
[Salt clicks another button and the virus is shown to be spreading further]
Casey Schuler : Jesus Christ, five hours? It infects the cell, replicates, and kills this fast? These numbers can't be right Ebola takes days to do this damage.
Major Salt : Sirs, the numbers are correct. I wish to God they weren't. One goes in, millions come out. Every cell is dead.
[Salt begins to zoom in]
Major Salt : Now we see them individually, searching for the next victim until there's nothing left to kill.
Casey Schuler : Mark this day, Salt. We could spend our whole careers waiting to see a new virus.
[Salt zooms in some more]
Major Salt : Sirs, Mr. Motaba, up close and personal.
Casey Schuler : I hate this bug.
Sam Daniels : Come on, Casey. You have to love its simplicity. It's one billionth our size and it's beating us.
Casey Schuler : So, what do you want to do, take it to dinner?
Sam Daniels : No.
Casey Schuler : What, then?
Sam Daniels : Kill it.
Sam Daniels : Anything I can do to help?
Major Salt : Just don't make me nervous.
Casey Schuler : [to Daniels] Allow me, sir.
[to Salt]
Casey Schuler : Major!
Major Salt : Yes... Major?
Sam Daniels : Thank you, Mrs. - what was her name again?
Major Salt : Pananides!
Major Salt : See that bridge up there, Colonel?
Sam Daniels : Yeah.
Major Salt : Over or under, sir?
Sam Daniels : Why--why don't don't you decide? I'm not really up to it.
Major Salt : Hang on.
Sam Daniels : I'd have said over.
Sam Daniels : Guys, guys, the monkey. Turn around.
Major Salt : Oh, my sweet Jesus. He should be dead by now. I guess the orange juice worked, huh?
Sam Daniels : How many hours of flight school?
Major Salt : 60 hours plus, sir.
Sam Daniels : Actual flying time?
Major Salt : Every minute, sir. I was yanking and banking.
Sam Daniels : Get us to San Francisco, Salt. They'll be on our tail, so follow the coast. The fog might give us cover.
Major Salt : Fog, sir?
Sam Daniels : Yeah, fog. You've flown through fog, right?
Major Salt : I've read about it, sir.
Sam Daniels : That's it.
Major Salt : That's it. We're there, sir.
Sam Daniels : There it is.
Major Salt : That's it!
Sam Daniels : There it is.
Major Salt : We're there, Colonel.
Sam Daniels : There it is.
Major Salt : We are there.
Major Salt : Sir, with all due respect, that is idiotic.
Sam Daniels : Idiotic? Let me ask you a question, are we fugitives from the law?
Major Salt : Right.
Sam Daniels : Idiocy is our only option.
Major Salt : This is crazy.
Sam Daniels : They want their weapon.
Major Salt : They're gonna kill all those people?
Sam Daniels : Right. They want their weapon.
Major Salt : They're gonna sit there and watch all those innocent people die?
Sam Daniels : Yes, they want their weapon.
Major Salt : No!