Norman D. Golden II credited as playing...
Devon Butler
- Mrs. Boyle: Your grandmother should be reported to Social Services!
- Devon: And you should be reported to the Orkin Man!
- Nick: [Devon tried to surprise Nick with a box of donuts while being aware that Vinnie's men were determined to kill him] People are trying to kill you. Are you some kind of bonehead or what?
- Devon: I'm not, and you don't have to yell!
- Nick: I can't handle this anymore. I can't handle it. Look, pick a city, Cincinatti, Cleveland. You take you and your grandmother. You go there, I'll pay for it!
- Devon: You call this being a father?
- Nick: [softly] I'm not your father
- [loudly]
- Nick: and I ain't your partner, either!
- Devon: Fine! I don't want you to be my father. I don't want you to be my partner. I don't want you to be anything!
- [slams the box of donuts on the sidewalk, walks across the corner to catch a bus at the bus stop]
- Devon: I'll just handle things myself!
- Devon: Haven't you ever heard about secondary smoke?
- Nick: Haven't you ever heard about minding your own business?
- Devon: At this very moment, the pink delicate tissues of my still-forming lungs may be shriveling into green chunks of mucus struggling for their last gasp of poison brown air.
- Nick: [throws his cigar out the window] Happy?
- Devon: Now you're littering.
- Rio: Hey, how you doing, farthead?
- McNally: Mr. big shot with the cops, huh?
- Devon: Don't you morons have anything else to do?
- [Rio throws his jacket on the ground]
- Devon: What'd you do that for?
- Rio: Because, you called me a moron.
- Devon: So, throwing your jacket on the ground makes you smarter?
- McNally: This kid's making me nuts.
- Devon: [Looking at Vinnie's car, then giving the two bullies a serious look] Hey, guys. I can't kid around anymore, I'm watching my grandma's car.
- McNally: Oh, so you're here with grandma?
- Devon: [nods] Mm-hmm.
- Rio: Oh. So this is grandmommy's car, huh?
- Devon: Guys, please. Bust me up. But, not the car, please.
- Rio: You mean, don't do this?
- [smashes a left pair of headlights]
- Devon: [backing up a step] That's exactly what I mean.
- Rio: Or this?
- [smashes a right pair of headlights]
- Rio: Aww, too bad.
- [Devon starts backing up more and hides behind a Telephone Pole across the Street]
- McNally: [chuckles, takes the bat] My turn... This is your kiss... Goodbye!
- [kisses a windshield and smashes the windshield and adds more dents to the side, laughs. Suddenly, Chu and Rudy gets out of the store and seeing the two bullies smashing up their car]
- Chu: WHOA! Hey, wha... What are you doing?
- Rudy: Get out of here, boys!
- Chu: [kicks one of the two bullies who run off in fear] I'll break your face!
- Rudy: I'm gonna get my hands on you!
- Chu: That's what you are! If we find out where you at!
- Rudy: We will get you, stupid little brats!
- Chu: [to Rudy] Let's get back in the car. Come on, let's go.
- [seeing a broken windshield]
- Chu: Awww, look at this! Oh, man. These punks got no respect nowadays. Get in the car.
- Devon: Bring the criminal back when you arrest them Don't go... don't go let them eat. Just bring them to jail! Bring them to jail!
- [trying to persuade his grandmother to play hooky from work]
- Devon: But you're a nurse! You can make up some great disease!
- Mr. Herman Fleming: [to Devon] Now, tell me. What have you learned today? Sit up straight.
- Devon: That I can hold my breath a lot longer than I thought I could.
- Mr. Herman Fleming: Do I sense... uh... a little insolence?
- Devon: No.
- Mr. Herman Fleming: Devon, Devon, Devon, Devon. Lies are not explanations.
- Devon: I'm not lying. Every day, these big jumbos come and take my money. They put me in the toilet and they hold me upside down.
- Mr. Herman Fleming: Always blaming it on someone else. You leave me no choice, Devon. I have to call your grandmother.
- Devon: Mr. Fleming, please. You don't have to call her. She can't take personal calls. It makes her sick and she's on a very hard shift now.
- Mr. Herman Fleming: Sit down, Devon.
- [Devon sits back down]
- Mr. Herman Fleming: Devon, if I don't make this call, you will never learn and I would have done you a great injustice.
- [calls his grandmother]
- Mr. Herman Fleming: 283, isn't it?
- Devon: Yeah.
- [bows his head]
- Mr. Herman Fleming: What?
- Devon: Yes, Mr. Fleming.
- [bows his head again]
- Mr. Herman Fleming: Thank you.
- Nick: [chasing some bad guys with his car] I told you, I'm not getting out of this car. I hate to run!
- Chu: Whoa!
- [slips and falls down; McKenna comes right after him with his car]
- Chu: What are you, a nut? Oh! Oh!
- Chu: I warned you!
- [smacks him with car door]
- Raymond Sanchez: [seeing this] Do all cops do that?
- Devon: [grinning] Only the best.
- Nick: [as he goes after Quintero] Quintero! Who do you think is going to run out of gas first?
- Chu: Ooh.
- [a black car arrives to him]
- Rudy: Chu, get in!
- [He gets in the car]
- Devon: [as Chu and Rudy are carrying Devon] Put me down, you oink-oink!
- [kicking Rudy]
- Chu: Rudy, what are you doing? Over here.
- [sees Mr. Fountain in the drug area]
- Chu: The drug lab is over there.
- Devon: I knew it was drugs.
- Vinnie Fountain: I'm sure. Did I say to keep him in the office?
- Chu: He was a bad boy, boss.
- Rudy: He called me piggy.
- Vinnie Fountain: I like that.
- Passing Cop: [about Nick] You take care of McKenna, he's fading fast.
- Devon: I'm an 8-year-old, not a miracle worker.
- Devon: [about the biker bar] Don't you need a tattoo to get into this place?
- Nick: All right, now, I want you to stay in the car. You go inside that bar and you get hurt...
- [sees a couple of bikers harassing another bike and picking up his motorcycle like they're going to trash it]
- Nick: Um, better come inside. You stay out of the parking lot and you'll get hurt!
- Nick: [talking to the person dressed in a blue costume] Is your name Bobo?
- Bobo #1 Artist: blue!
- Nick: C'mon, I don't think this is the guy...
- Devon: I didn't know art can be so dangerous!
- Devon: [bored just sitting in the car] What are we here for?
- Nick: Stakeout. It's your shift.
- Devon: Do I look like a five-year-old to you?
- Nick: I can't tell. The light's not too good in here.
- Devon: Deal's off. This is dullsville.
- Nick: Well, lesson number one: Police work is dullsville. What'd you have in mind?
- Devon: Cop stuff. Shakedowns, shootouts, busting scumbags.
- Devon: [to Nick] I nabbed the purse snatcher.
- [Devon is holding onto a man's leg]
- Purse Thief: My wife forgot her purse. I was trying to catch her before she got on the bus!
- Devon: You're not a purse snatcher?
- Purse Thief: No. I'm calling the cops.
- Nick: I am a police officer.
- Purse Thief: Great. What are you gonna do about this?
- Nick: [looking at Devon] This? I'm gonna kill this.
- Nick: [to Devon] Why do you think I spend hours and hours at the range, shooting at silhouettes, shooting the hearts right out of 'em? Every single day. I've been doin' that for years. Why do you think I do that? I do that because I don't wanna chase anybody. I don't like to run, so I want you to give me the plate number.
- Devon: Hey, this is more like it. Partners are supposed to fight. Partner love/hate relationship.
- Nick: We don't have a love/hate relationship! We have a hate/hate relationship.