RoboCop 2 (1990) Poster


Dan O'Herlihy: Old Man



  • The Old Man : [watching the Robocops fight]  *Behave* yourselves!

  • Donald Johnson : Uh, sir, what if this was all the work of one individual person. A woman who had her own agenda that wasn't in sync with the goals of our company?

    The Old Man : Well... that usually works.

    Donald Johnson : A woman who was not a team player, who violated our trust?

    [Clearly meaning Dr. Faxx] 

    The Old Man : Well, we'd need some evidence to support that.

    Holzgang : Sir, whether it exists or not, I know I can find it.

    Donald Johnson : She did choose the brain, sir.

  • The Old Man : This could look bad for OCP, Johnson. Scramble the best spin team we have.

  • Mayor Kuzack : How are we supposed to raise that kind of money with things the way they are?

    The Old Man : You aren't.

    Mayor Kuzack : What the hell is he talking about?

    The Old Man : We don't expect you to pay.

    Holzgang : Let me refer you to our contract. "In the event of default, OCP shall have the uncontested right of foreclosure on all city assets."

    Poulos : [reading contract for himself, then to the Mayor]  You SIGNED this.

    Mayor Kuzack : So you're saying we miss one payment and you can foreclose.

    The Old Man : We can and we will. We're taking Detroit private.

  • The Old Man : About a year ago, we gave this city RoboCop. I think he's worked out pretty well, but things have become a little rougher out there. And now, we need a law enforcement unit capable of meeting the enemy on his own ground, and carrying enough firepower... to get the job done.

    The Old Man : [a prototype model of Robocop 2 rises from the model of the proposed new city]  Ladies and gentlemen, with great pleasure, I give you RoboCop 2.

  • The Old Man : These days, neighborhoods just seem to be the sort of places where bad things happen. Don't be nostalgic.

  • The Old Man : There's going to be a big call for this unit, and we'll make him right here in Detroit. That means jobs we can all be proud of, and make "Made in America" mean something again.

  • Mayor Kuzack : So you deliberately undermined our credit.

    Holzgang : That was the easy part.

    Mayor Kuzack : And engineered the police strike. Do you want Detroit to-to... to tear itself apart so you can raid it like you would any other corporation? Do you know how many people are dying out there? You're murderers.

    Holzgang : I'd advise you to say nothing further. It might be... actionable.

    Mayor Kuzack : It's bullshit! BULLSHIT, YA SENILE OLD BASTARD!

    Poulos : All right, calm down.

    Mayor Kuzack : It's bullshit!

    Poulos : I think we better get out of here.

    Mayor Kuzack : I'm okay!

    Poulos : Calm down. I-I think we'd better leave.

    Mayor Kuzack : I'm calm.

    Poulos : Calm down.

    [Kuzack and Poulous head towards the door] 

    Mayor Kuzack : I'm okay. I'm okay.

    Poulos : All right. Good.

    Mayor Kuzack : I'm in control. Everything is fine. It's okay. I'm fine.

    Mayor Kuzack : [stops and turns around]  One last thing, gentlemen: we will sue your asses.

    The Old Man : Give it your best shot.

    Mayor Kuzack : FUCK YOU, YA OLD SENILE BASTARD! This is bullshit! Fuck you! This is bullshit!

  • The Old Man : Sometimes we just have to start over, from scratch, to make things right, and that's exactly what we're going to do. We're going to build a brand-new city where Detroit now stands - an example to the world.

  • The Old Man : City Hall is the decaying symbol of mismanagement and corruption.

  • The Old Man : It's only money. How about criminal proceedings?

    Holzgang : Well, we're looking at major indictments, sir. Prison terms.

    The Old Man : What about me?

    Holzgang : You know we'll do whatever we can.

    The Old Man : That's not good enough, Holzgang.

  • Holzgang : It's serious trouble, sir. So many dead and wounded.

    Donald Johnson : Of course, there won't be trouble from the dead ones.

    The Old Man : They'll have relatives. They always do.

  • The Old Man : [Mayor Kuzack enters the room]  My friends, welcome to our city as it should be, and as it will be in the hands of responsible private enterprise.

    The Old Man : [applause]  And a special welcome to mayor Kuzack and the outgoing administration.

    Mayor Kuzack : Oh, we're not going anywhere.

    The Old Man : [murmurs]  Your Honor.

    Mayor Kuzack : You'll have to tear down a lot of people's houses before you can make that thing and take away their homes.

    The Old Man : We're going to raise towers of glass and steel. Every citizen will have a living unit. Safe, secure and clean. Now please, take your seat.

    Mayor Kuzack : Won't be much room for neighborhoods, huh? Not like the kind that we all grew up in.

    The Old Man : These days, neighborhoods just seem to be the sort of places where bad things happen. Don't be nostalgic.

    Mayor Kuzack : What about democracy? Nobody elected you.

    The Old Man : Anyone can buy OCP's stock and own a piece of our city. What could be more democratic than that?

    Mayor Kuzack : Well, let me tell you: there are a lot of people in this town who can't afford to buy your stock, and they're not gonna let you get away with this!

    The Old Man : You haven't been following the polls. Sit down.

  • The Old Man : And so, people of the press, city officials, in a few minutes, Omni Consumer Products and the troubled city of Detroit will join in a bold new venture. Now, I'd like to explain just what this will mean: Sometimes, we just have to start over from scratch to make things right, and that's exactly what we're going to do. We're going to build a brand new city where Detroit now stands, an example to the world.

  • Donald Johnson : The candidates were all fine men, respected police officers. I reviewed their files myself.

    Dr. Juliette Faxx : Sir, police officers may not be the best candidates for our purposes. They're a physical bunch. They're macho, body-proud. Stripped of all that, it's no wonder they become suicidal.

    Donald Johnson : Our one success was a cop.

    Dr. Juliette Faxx : Well, yes, Mr. Johnson. Alex Murphy. Top of his class, devout Irish Catholic, family man. Everything in his profile indicates a fierce sense of duty. That's probably what kept him alive.

    Donald Johnson : With due respect, Dr. Faxx, your area of expertise is psychology. Not robotics.

    The Old Man : There's no harm in hearing the young lady out, is there?

    Donald Johnson : No, sir.

    Dr. Juliette Faxx : Thank you, sir. I believe that Murphy's case was unusual but not unique. We can find someone else, someone to whom the prospect might even be... desirable.

    Donald Johnson : I've never met anyone who wanted to be a robot.

    Dr. Juliette Faxx : It would require a screening process, one I'd would be happy to supervise. The cost would be negligible. It would be a shame to waste all the work that's been done.

    The Old Man : It certainly would. Go to it. Report to me directly.

    Dr. Juliette Faxx : Yes, sir.

    The Old Man : You could learn a thing or two from that girl, Johnson.

  • Dr. Juliette Faxx : It all depends how far we're willing to go.

    The Old Man : If anything went wrong...

    Dr. Juliette Faxx : As I said, sir, it all depends how far we're willing to go.

See also

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