When Tombo and the boys are driving their car, the front licence plate changes from N177 to E-177 between shots.
On the bonus features on the DVD/Blu-ray with the English dub cast, Phil Hartman is credited as "Voice of Gigi." The character voiced by Hartman was Jiji, not Gigi.
The four-engined biplane (more precisely, sesquiplane) that Kiki sees during the opening credits is a real aircraft, the Handley-Page HP42. Eight of these planes - the first four-engined aircraft ever built - were commissioned during the 1930s; later they were converted to military use, and all were destroyed by 1941. But since this movie - according to director Hayao Miyazaki - takes place in a world where World War II never happened, it's plausible that the HP42 would still be in civilian service.