Frances Sternhagen credited as playing...
Marva Potter
- Marva Potter: Phil, this could be the best thing that could happen to you. It could be very exciting. The possibilities for growth and self-awareness, getting to know yourself could be the most wonderfully happy, even thrilling experience.
- Marva Potter: She's a terrific woman. She's an extraordinarily gifted nursery school teacher. She's gone back to school to get her master's in child development. She's getting it together. And I, for one, don't want her hurt.
- Phil Potter: I'm not even sure I'm gonna ask her out.
- Marva Potter: Why? Because she doesn't have large breasts?
- John Morganson: [Marilyn bursts out laughing meeting 6'8'' John] What is it?
- Marilyn Holmberg: No, no, no, it's nothing. I'm sorry.
- Marva Potter: She's had a tough time recently.
- Michael Potter: John - John's used to strange reactions. We went into it when he was my patient.
- Marilyn Holmberg: No, it wasn't him.
- Michael Potter: It has to do with a - a tension people feel over the disparity in height. And there's a - there's a sexual element.
- [Marilyn laughing hysterically]
- Michael Potter: There's - there's a sexual element. It has to...
- Marilyn Holmberg: No, I'm sorry.
- Michael Potter: You know, with everything else, uh, people feel: "Is everything on such a grand scale?"
- Marva Potter: And is it?
- John Morganson: Yes.