Kathy Cronkite credited as playing...
Mary Ann Gifford
- Laureen Hobbs: Don't fuck with my distribution costs! I'm making a lousy two-fifteen per segment and I'm already deficiting twenty-five grand a week with Metro! I'm paying William Morris ten percent off the top, and I'm giving this turkey ten thou per segment, and another five to this fruitcake! And Helen, don't start no shit about a piece again! I'm paying Metro twenty-thousand for all foreign and Canadian distribution, and that's after recoupment! The Communist Party's not gonna see a nickel of this goddamn show until we go into syndication!
- Helen Miggs: C'mon Laureen. The party's in for seventy-five hundred a week of the production expenses.
- Laureen Hobbs: I'm not giving this pseudoinsurrectionary sedentarian a piece of my show! I'm not giving him script approval, and I sure as shit ain't gotten him into my distribution charges!
- Mary Ann Gifford: [screaming] You fuggingfascist! Did you see the film we made at the San Marino jail breakout demonstrating the rising up of a seminal prisoner-class infrastructure?
- Laureen Hobbs: You can blow the seminal prisoner-class infrastructure out your ass! I'm not knockin' down my goddamn distribution charges!
- Great Ahmed Kahn: [fires off his gun through the ceiling] Man, give her the FUCKING overhead clause. Let's get back to page twenty-two, number 5, small 'a'. Subsidiary rights.
- Mary Ann Gifford: You fuckin' fascist! Did you see the film we made at the San Marino jail breakout demonstrating the rising up of the seminal prisoner class infrastructure?
- Laureen Hobbs: You can blow the seminal prisoner class infrastructure out your ass. I'm not knockin' down my goddamn distribution charges.