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Nelson Chaney
- Nelson Chaney: The affiliates won't carry it.
- Frank Hackett: The affiliates will kiss your ass if you can hand them a hit show.
- Nelson Chaney: All I know is that this violates every canon of respectable broadcasting.
- Frank Hackett: We're not a respectable network. We're a whorehouse network, and we have to take whatever we can get.
- Nelson Chaney: Well, I don't want any part of it. I don't fancy myself the president of a whorehouse.
- Frank Hackett: That's very commendable of you, Nelson. Now sit down. Your indignation is duly recorded; you can always resign tomorrow.
- Nelson Chaney: So, what do we do about this Beale son-of-a-bitch?
- Frank Hackett: I suppose we'll have to kill him. I don't suppose you have any ideas on that, Diana?
- Diana Christensen: Well, what would you fellas say to an assassination? I think I can get the the Mao Tse-Tung people to kill Beale for us, as one of their shows. In fact, it would make a helluva kickoff show for the season. We're facing heavy opposition on the other networks on Wednesday nights and "The Mao Tse-Tung Hour" could use a sensational opener. It could be done right on camera, in the the studio. We ought get a fantastic looking audience for the assignation of Howard Beale as our opening show.
- Edward George Ruddy: I'll want to see Mr. Beale after this. The way I hear it, Max, you are primarily responsible for this colossally stupid prank. Is that the fact, Max?
- Max Schumacher: That's the fact.
- Edward George Ruddy: It was unconscionable. Doesn't seem to be anything more to say.
- Max Schumacher: I have something to say, Ed. I want to know why that whole debasement of the news division discussed at the stockholders meeting this afternoon was kept secret from me. You & I go back 20 years, Ed. I took this job with your personal assurance that you would back my autonomy against any encroachment, but ever since CCA acquired UBS systems 10 months ago, Hackett's been taking over everything. Now, who the hell is running this network, you or some conglomerate called CCA? I mean, you're the head of the systems group, & Hackett is nothing but a hatchet man for the CCA. Nelson here, the president of the network, & he hasn't got a damn thing to say about anything anymore.
- Edward George Ruddy: I told you at the stockholders meeting, Max, That we would discuss all of that at our regular meeting tomorrow morning. If you had been patient, I would have discussed that I, to, thought Frank Hackett precipitate, & that the reorganization of the news division would not be executed until everyone-Specifically you, Max-had been consulted & satisfied. Instead, you sulked off like a child, & engaged this network & a shocking & disgraceful episode. Your position is no longer tenable, regardless of how management is restructured. I will expect your resignation at 10:00 tomorrow morning. We will coordinate our statements to the least detriment of everyone. Bob McDonough will take over the news division until we can sort all this out. I would like to see Mr. Beale now.
- Nelson Chaney: They're looking for him, Ed, they don't know where he is.