Roobarb the green dog's enthusiasm for inventions and harebrained schemes to liven up life in the garden know no bounds. It's up to Custard the indolent, grinning purple cat, and the rest of... Read allRoobarb the green dog's enthusiasm for inventions and harebrained schemes to liven up life in the garden know no bounds. It's up to Custard the indolent, grinning purple cat, and the rest of the garden animals to make sure nothing comes of them so that their idle tranquility can ... Read allRoobarb the green dog's enthusiasm for inventions and harebrained schemes to liven up life in the garden know no bounds. It's up to Custard the indolent, grinning purple cat, and the rest of the garden animals to make sure nothing comes of them so that their idle tranquility can be preserved, and score points off Roobarb's inflated ego at the same time.