- Charley Varrick: You know what dirty money is? That's the kind of money you can't declare on your income tax. Well, when certain people get that kind of money, what they do is send it out of the country to invest, and when it comes back, it's clean.
- Harman Sullivan: So?
- Charley Varrick: So maybe that little bank was a drop, a collection point. Maybe all this was on its way out of the country.
- Harman Sullivan: Fantastic! We lucked out!
- Charley Varrick: More like crapped out. It's ten-to-one this stuff belongs to the Mafia. This is gambling money skimmed off the top, whore money, dope money.
- Harman Sullivan: What's the difference?
- Charley Varrick: The difference is the Mafia kills you, no trial, no judge. They never stop looking for you, not 'til you're dead. I'd rather have ten F.B.I.s after me.
- Charley Varrick: I like your bed. You may find this hard to believe but I've never slept on a round bed.
- Sybil Fort: Is that so?
- Charley Varrick: What's the best way? North, south, east, or west?
- Sybil Fort: That depends on what you had in mind.
- Charley Varrick: What I had in mind was boxing the compass.
- Molly: [Molly has just punched out an argumentative black man...] I allow very few men to speak to me in that tone. Few caucasians. And no nigras at all.
- Molly: [when asked if he would like a prostitute] I don't sleep with whores... at least, not knowingly.
- Charley Varrick: We're gonna have to keep pretty quiet for a while.
- Harman Sullivan: Is that so?
- Charley Varrick: That's right. Best way to get nailed is to start tossing that stuff around.
- Harman Sullivan: And what's your idea of a while?
- Charley Varrick: Three years. Maybe four.
- Harman Sullivan: Are you telling me that I can't spend none of this money for three, four years?
- Charley Varrick: Right, right, that's what I'm telling you. And you better lay off that juice, too. That's another way to get nailed, me along with you.
- Harman Sullivan: Any more instructions?
- Charley Varrick: No.
- Harman Sullivan: Nothing more you wanna hang onto me?
- Charley Varrick: Not right now.
- Harman Sullivan: Then I got something I wanna hang onto you, jimmy dick! I've been waiting all my life to make a score like this, and now that it's here, I ain't waiting no more. I mean, I'm gonna wail. And I'm talking about chicks, cars, clothes, a box at the races, and beefsteak three times a day, and no washed up, chicken-shit son-of-a-bitch had better try stop me!
- Maynard Boyle: You need a rest, Harold. A long trip to someplace quiet. Another name, another country.
- Harold Young: I can't start my life over again now.
- Maynard Boyle: You don't have much choice, Harold. They're gonna try to make you tell where the money is. You know what kind of people they are. They're gonna strip you naked and go to work on you with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch.
- Molly: [reads Charley's business card] "Charley Varrick, last of the independents." I like that. Has a ring of finality.
- Harman Sullivan: What's bothering you?
- Charley Varrick: I don't know. Something smells bad.
- Harman Sullivan: Charley, *you* smell bad. Now don't you run a game out on me or I'll hang you out to dry.
- Charley Varrick: What's that kind of money doing in a Tres Cruces bank?
- Harman Sullivan: Where should it be?
- Charley Varrick: Bank that size figures to have maybe thirty, twenty thousand dollars in it.
- Harman Sullivan: Listen Charley, just let me ask you one question. The money was *there*, right?
- Charley Varrick: Yeah.
- Harman Sullivan: Now its *here*, right?
- Charley Varrick: Yeah.
- Harman Sullivan: So what's the big deal?
- Charley Varrick: It has to do with this bag of money I'd like to give back to you.
- Maynard Boyle: So give it back. What's the problem?
- Charley Varrick: The problem is the big gorilla in the maroon car who's trying to kill me.
- Maynard Boyle: It's our mafia friends who won't understand. They're gonna wonder why you led them straight to the vault with the money in it, instead of the empty vault in the rear. And frankly, Harold, why did you do that?
- Harold Young: Do you know what would have happened if I'd taken those people to an empty vault?
- Maynard Boyle: Number one, the money would have been saved, number two there'd be no question of an inside job.
- Harold Young: Inside job?
- Maynard Boyle: That's the way their diseased minds work. A bank gets it, bang, they look for a double-cross.
- Harold Young: Why couldn't it be just a coincidence?
- Maynard Boyle: Because they don't believe in coincidence!
- Molly: [Molly beats Harmon] Sooner or later, you're gonna tell me everything you know. So why not save yourself a great deal of pain, tell me now.
- Jana: [Molly arrives at the whore house] These are the goodies. He says his name is Sally
- Molly: Molly.
- Jana: [the prostitues laugh] Sally, Molly, if you got a bell, honey, we'll find a way to ring it.
- Molly: I didn't travel six hundred miles for the amusement of morons. Is that clear, ladies?
- Taxi driver: Now just a darn minute there.
- Molly: You just keep throwing your feathers, mister, before I put you in the hospital.
- Taxi driver: Yes, sir.
- Maynard Boyle: Why am I being denied access to my own premises?
- Mr. Garfinkle: Well, it's a matter of priority. You see, first and foremost, this is a murder investigation.
- Maynard Boyle: Well, my business is purely financial.
- Mr. Garfinkle: Well, you're very lucky so far, Mr. Boyle. All we have found missing is about thirteen hundred dollars.
- Maynard Boyle: Well, if you're a nice fella, nice things happen to you.
- Maynard Boyle: You know something, Harold? I never thought I'd be willing to change places with a cow.
- Harold Young: A cow?
- Maynard Boyle: Those things out there. They are cows, aren't they?
- Harold Young: I don't understand the thrust of your comment.
- Maynard Boyle: Take a look at them out there. I mean, they got it knocked. What's the worst thing in the world that could possibly happen to them? A short circuit in the electric milker. Compared to what I'm facing, that's child's play.
- Charley Varrick: Mafia money. All I wanted was a small take, in and out quick, no big deal.
- Harman Sullivan: Well, don't you worry, Charley, cause if you don't want your share, I'll be more than happy to take it over for you.
- Charley Varrick: I'm sure you would, Harmon.
- Harman Sullivan: Well, what do you want to do, give it back?
- Charley Varrick: I've been thinking about it.
- Harman Sullivan: Charley Varrick. Well, I got some news for you, Charley. You haven't got the balls of a bull canary bird. And something else, I ain't giving back penny number one!
- Charley Varrick: Don't leave the trailer.
- Harman Sullivan: [mockingly] "Don't leave the trailer. Don't leave the trailer, Harman."... Charley, you worry too much!
- Charley Varrick: [dryly] No such thing as worrying too much. Not when you got the fuzz and the mafia after you at the same time.
- Tom: Oh, uh, anything else?
- Charley Varrick: There might be something else... I might want to fence off some money.
- Tom: Hot?
- Charley Varrick: Burning up.
- Tom: Consecutive serial numbers?
- Charley Varrick: No, nothing like that, but, uh, I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of a record.
- Tom: How much money we talkin' about?
- Charley Varrick: A lot.
- Tom: A whole lot?
- Charley Varrick: Whole lot.
- Tom: [pauses to think] Where can I get in touch with you?
- Charley Varrick: Well, I'll be here and there. Maybe I better get in touch with you.
- Tom: All right. Okay.
- Charley Varrick: [runs over to busybody neighbour] Hello Mrs. Taft
- Mrs. Taft: Hell-ow!
- Charley Varrick: You didn't see my wife did you?
- Mrs. Taft: No I didn't see her all day today, but I'll keep my eye peeled!
- Charley Varrick: Thank you. Very kind of you, Mrs Taft.
- Mrs. Taft: Oh just common courtesy
- [chuckles]
- Mrs. Taft: . Oh - you don't suppose she's run off do you?
- Charley Varrick: No ma'am, I don't think so.
- Mrs. Taft: Well you never can tell. There's mashers all round this place you know. They're after me all the time.
- Charley Varrick: Yes ma'am
- Mrs. Taft: Just don't get any ideas
- Charley Varrick: No ma'am
- Mrs. Taft: The milkman's the worst. I make him leave his yoghurt on the stoop, and I don't bring it in until after he's gone.
- Charley Varrick: That's good thinking
- [telephone rings]
- Mrs. Taft: Excuse me. That's mine. It's probably an obscene phone call. Oh dear!
- [Charley Varrick leaves]
- Maynard Boyle: Miss Fort, I want a messenger to hand-deliver an item for me immediately
- Sybil Fort: Bastard
- San Miguel Sheriff Bill Horton: [Mrs. Taft, Charley Varrick's busybody neighbour watches police with guns and bullet-proof vests surround Charley Varrick's trailer. She sits down in her rocking chair, watching with curiosity. The sheriff speaks through a loudhailer] Varrick! We've got a warrant for your arrest! Either you come out, or we're coming in
- [Mrs. Taft sits up to listen]
- San Miguel Sheriff Bill Horton: Alright everybody. You stand fast and keep us covered. And don't anybody get careless!
- [police burst into Charley Varrick's trailer]
- Mrs. Taft: [clambering past several policemen] I could have told you nobody was home!
- [policemen look confused]
- Van Sickle: [with Chinese accent] So solly please. Not open.
- Molly: I'm here to see Honest John
- Van Sickle: Not here please. Try some other time.
- Molly: I'm Molly
- Van Sickle: [Drops accent] Oh! Mister Molly, I'm sorry. Right this way.
- Chinese Hostess: [with Chinese accent] So solly please. Not open.
- Molly: I'm here to see Honest John
- Chinese Hostess: Not here please. Try some other time.
- Molly: I'm Molly
- Chinese Hostess: [Drops accent] Oh! Mister Molly, I'm sorry. Right this way.