Shelley Winters credited as playing...
Charlotte Haze
- Charlotte Haze: Do you believe in God?
- Humbert Humbert: The question is does God believe in me?
- Clare Quilty: Listen, didn't you... didn't you have a daughter? Didn't you have a daughter with a lovely name? Yeah! A lovely... What was it now? A lovely, lyrical, lilting name, like, uh... uh...
- Charlotte Haze: Lo-li-ta!
- Clare Quilty: Lolita, that's right, Lolita. Diminutive of Dolores, "The Tears and the Roses."
- Charlotte Haze: Wednesday she's going to have a cavity filled by your Uncle Ivor.
- Clare Quilty: Yes. Hahahahaha... Yes.
- Charlotte Haze: Hum, you just touch me and I... I... I go as limp as a noodle. It scares me.
- Humbert Humbert: Yes, I know the feeling.
- Charlotte Haze: I forbid you to disturb Professor Humbert again. He is a writer and he is not to be disturbed.
- Lolita Haze: [makes the Nazi salute] Sieg heil!
- Charlotte Haze: Is, um, Madame Humbert, um...
- Humbert Humbert: There's no "Madame". We are divorced...
- Charlotte Haze: Oh...
- Humbert Humbert: *Happily* divorced.
- Charlotte Haze: When did all this happen?
- Humbert Humbert: About a year ago - in Paris.
- Charlotte Haze: Oh, Paris, France, madame... You know, monsieur, I really believe that it's only in the Romance Languages that one is able to really relate in a mature fashion. In fact I remember when the late Mr. Haze and I... when we were on our honeymoon abroad, I knew that I'd never felt married until I'd heard myself addressed as "Senora".
- Humbert Humbert: So you were in Spain?
- Charlotte Haze: No, Mexico!
- Humbert Humbert: Oh, Mexico, mm-hmm!
- Charlotte Haze: Oh M'sieur, if what you're needing is peace and quiet, I can assure you you couldn't get more peace anywhere, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.
- Charlotte Haze: Now, this would be your room. It's what you might call a studio, well, you know, a semi-studio affair. It's very male - and quiet.
- Humbert Humbert: You have a maid living in the house?
- Charlotte Haze: Why, monsieur, Ramsdale is not Paris. No, the colored girl comes three times a week. We think we're lucky to get her, but she does do shirts very well.
- Charlotte Haze: [to Humbert] You must see the garden before you go, you must. My flowers win prizes around here. They're the talk of the neighborhood. Voila! My yellow roses, my - my daughter.
- [to Lolita, in bikini, sunbathing in the garden, listening to the radio]
- Charlotte Haze: Darling, turn that down, please.
- [to Humbert]
- Charlotte Haze: I can offer you a comfortable home, a sunny garden, a congenial atmosphere - my cherry pies.
- [Lolita lowers her glasses to peek coyly at Humbert]
- Humbert Humbert: You're a very persuasive saleswoman.
- Charlotte Haze: Thank you. What was the decisive factor? My garden?
- Humbert Humbert: I think it was your - cherry pies.
- Charlotte Haze: I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long?
- Humbert Humbert: No, not at all.
- Charlotte Haze: I thought I'd change into something cozier.
- Humbert Humbert: Charming.
- Charlotte Haze: You don't think it's - a little too risqué?
- Humbert Humbert: I wonder if you aren't being too liberal with her?
- Charlotte Haze: Liberal? Oh, you dear man, you dear, sweet, naive man.
- Humbert Humbert: No, I don't think you realize that she's beginning to grow up!
- Charlotte Haze: Of course she's beginning to grow up and it's only natural and healthy that she should take an interest in those fascinating creatures known as: "the opposite sex."
- Charlotte Haze: Humbert Humbert, what a thrillingly different name. Do you pronounce the surname differently, you know, in a slightly lower tone? Let me see now, Humbert. What was that, the first or the second?
- Humbert Humbert: I have no sense of rhythm.
- Charlotte Haze: I refuse to believe that about you. Rhythm is so basic and it just pours out of you, you simply vibrate rhythm.
- Humbert Humbert: Charlotte, I haven't even had my morning cup of coffee yet.
- Charlotte Haze: You want me to make you some?
- Humbert Humbert: Please do that, like a good little wife.
- Charlotte Haze: Hum, baby, you know, I love the way you smell. You do arouse the pagan in me.
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