John Dall credited as playing...
Marcus Publius Glabrus
- Crassus: Are you not aware of Rome's most ancient law? That no General may enter the city at the head of his armed legions?
- Glabrus: Sulla did.
- Crassus: Sulla? To the infamy of his name! To the utter damnation of his line. No, my young friend. One day I shall cleanse this Rome which my fathers bequeathed me. I shall restore all the traditions that made her great. It follows that I can not come to power or defend myself by an act which betrays the most sacred tradition of all. I shall *not* bring my legions within these walls. I shall *not* violate Rome at the moment of possessing her.
- Marcus Licinius Crassus: What sort of a man is this leader of the slaves?
- Marcus Publius Glabrus: I don't know. I think they called him Spartacus.