12 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- If you’re looking for cool, here’s Elvis Presley at his absolutely arctic.
- 89Austin ChronicleMarjorie BaumgartenAustin ChronicleMarjorie BaumgartenElvis' third movie is surely his best. He plays a guy vaguely like himself, who hits it big after learning to play music while in prison. Not only does this film have some of the best tunes in an Elvis movie, the choreography is great too.
- Luckily, the attitude, the aggression, and the sex were let out in a burst of fire and they got it all on film.
- All shook up and enjoyably bad, JAILHOUSE ROCK captures early Elvis in all his leg-quivering, nostril-flaring, lip-snarling teen idol glory.
- 75Chicago TribuneMichael WilmingtonChicago TribuneMichael WilmingtonThe all-time great Stoller-Lieber title number, performed by The King in jailbird regalia, is just one highlight of this '50s rock-the-house classic. [04 Sep 1998, p.H]
- 60The IndependentThe IndependentElvis's best film, in which he quite convincingly plays an unsavoury character sent to jail for killing a man in a bar brawl, but is reformed after he's introduced to the music business by his country-singing cellmate and becomes a big star. [18 Oct 2008, p.48]
- 50The New York TimesThe New York TimesPresley fans may not like the idea of his being a churlish, egotistical wonder boy of television and the screen for a good half of the picture.
- 50Time OutTime OutThe story, about a rock star with a prison background, was tougher than some of the other Presley pictures, but the musical numbers especially were shot in the MGM tradition, which was totally wrong for rock.