Earl Holliman credited as playing...
- Cook: Another one of them new worlds. No beer, no women, no pool parlors, nothin'. Nothin' to do but throw rocks at tin cans, and we gotta bring our own tin cans.
- Lt. Farman: Pardon me commander, are you ready to hold discipline on the cook, sir?
- Commander Adams: Yes let's... let's have him.
- Lt. Farman: I'm obliged to remind you, sir, that I gave him permission to go out last night.
- Commander Adams: Did you give him permission to get falling down drunk?
- Cook: Drunk sir, me sir? Well ask Dr. Ostrow, sir. Four pints of 120 proof bourbon without a trace of hangover in it, now that ain't natural, sir. Besides, why'd that Robert argue me into drinking all that whiskey in the first place?
- Commander Adams: You were with the robot last night?
- Cook: Yes sir. Him and me, we kind of got to toasting each others good health. Just for cordial interplanetary relations you understand.
- Commander Adams: And that's all the time, even while the chief was being killed.
- Cook: Certainly, sir. I hope you don't think I coulda got that stiff in five minutes.
- Robby the Robot: Can I be of service, sir?
- Cook: Look, never mind the sir, mister, but I'm a stranger on this so called planet and I was just wondering if, well if you could tell me where I could... a guy could get ahold of the real stuff?
- Robby the Robot: "Real stuff?"
- Cook: Just for cooking purposes you understand! I take a big pride in my duties.
- Robby the Robot: Pardon me, sir. "Stuff?"
- Cook: [Pulls out bottle of bourbon] Oh. Just about one jolt left. Oh, Genuine Ancient Rocket Bourbon. See here?
- [Robby takes the bottle and empties it into his analyzer slot]
- Cook: Hey! Why you low level contraption, I oughta take a can opener to you!
- Robby the Robot: Quiet please, I am analyzing.
- [makes a belching sound]
- Robby the Robot: Yes, relatively simple alcohol molecules with traces of fusel oil... Would 60 gallons be sufficient?
- Cook: Gallons? Mister, I been from here to there in this galaxy and I just want you to know you're the most understanding soul I ever met up with.
- [Slaps Robby's steel back]
- Cook: OW!
- Robby the Robot: 480 pints, as you requested. Total, 60 gallons.
- Cook: Genuine Kansas City bourbon!
- [Takes a swig and coughs twice]
- Cook: And it's smooth, too. Robby, I ain't never gonna forget this. Any time you're hard up for a couple of gallons of lube oil, you just let me know.