Nanny goes into a shop in daylight to make a purchase but doesn't leave until it's dark.
When leaving Lady Syrett's the first time, Bob puts Phil's scarf on his shoulders, then the camera angle changes and he puts it on him again.
When Miss Lennox arrives at Philip's flat, she takes off her hat and puts it on a table. She doesn't put it on again before she leaves.
When Phillip, Jean, and Bob drive to Phillip's apartment, after having visited Lady Syrett, it is light outside. When Phillip enters his apartment, the doors to the balcony are open, and it is totally dark outside.
Van Johnson and the girl are sat at a table, through the window it can be seen that it's daylight outside. They go onto the balcony and Van casts a very strong shadow (film spot light? ) where they embrace in the sunset.
Van Johnson goes onto his flat's balcony and hears the sound of a fog horn which is also heard when nanny makes a phone call. They don't have fog horns on the River Thames.
The destination 'board' of the 73 bus states that it goes to Richmond but it actually only goes to Hammersmith. At the time this was filmed, the No. 73 did go to Richmond.
(At 02.40) There is a half inch of tape on the take up spool on the tape recorder. Philip asks Bob to type up what he had just recorded. Bob proceeds to remove the take-up spool (should have been the full, left-hand spool) which suddenly has no tape on it, and takes it into his office "to listen to it".
After leaving the flat nanny goes towards Marylebone Road, crosses a road going in the direction of Baker Street and gets on a 73 bus ( this is off route for the purpose of the film as it doesn't go round there) it does a right turn in the direction of Kings Cross but ends up in Kensington.
Jean Lennox is able to reel off Phil's entire address by the time she visits the Unity Domestic Bureau, despite having only been in the area for roughly a day.
The Jaguar sedan used is Left Hand Drive (ie: for the American Market) there would be no point in having one in the UK where vehicles are Right Hand Drive.
When the leading man takes out the light bulbs in the apartment he unscrews them. Screw fittings are North American. In the UK the are a push-in bayonet type.
When Bob tells the photographic assistant "Please, I'm in a hurry" at Barkers, his lips do not match the later-dubbed dialogue.
The depicted Portman Square apartment is directly over the Thames. However, Portman Square is actually about 2 miles from the Thames.
While Van gives his address as 813 Regent Court, Portman Square,some 2 miles from it's rear view which is overlooking the Thames as if its at the back of the Savoy Hotel. More confusing is that the view from the other window shows a pub which is at the bottom of Lower Regent Street.
When Hannon and Bob are riding on the boat, Hannon asks Bob where they are. Bob replies that they are passing under Waterloo Bridge (on the Thames). After a few minutes of conversation and as the boat is still moving, Hannon remarks about it being half past five (O'clock) and that the sun is setting and that it made the water reflect as gold. A shot is shown from their backs showing the sun in front of them and the water reflecting gold. The River Thames turns sharply south after Waterloo Bridge and the sun would be to the right (in the west) and not in front of them.
The blind Philip Hannan doesn't "look" at things he's picking up, or people he's talking to. People who have lost their sight still do this, though people blind from birth may not.
When Hannon is in the pub giving the barmaid instructions (about1:16:14), he asks where the pinball machine is and she says "It's over there on the right" and he walks to where she points, but he's BLIND.
Philip's level of blindness varies throughout the film, from being able to walk to a pub by himself, to not seeing objects in front of him.