During the scene at the beginning of the movie, where Dublin is pleading his case before the prison board, the photograph he places in his right breast pocket changes position between camera shots.
In the scene where Dublin coerces Twitchy into sabotaging Armand St. Dennis's trapeze, right before Dublin leaves Twitchy is holding in his hands the handkerchief that he's been using as he applies his makeup; in the next shot, as Dublin leaves, he's clutching the bottle of liquor that Dublin has plied him with; in the shot after that, he is once again holding the handkerchief.
When Dublin first approaches Twitchy, Twitchy tells him that Beatty is looking for a new ring director if he is after a job. However, the' accident' that injures the ring director hasn't happened yet.
Pedro is told that a million days is little over 300 years when in fact it is 2739 years.
The opening narration states that the circus' elephants are African but they are clearly Indian as African elephants have much larger ears.