Tyrone Power credited as playing...
Andrea Orsini
- Andrea Orsini: [looking at the dead body of Lucrezia Borgia's husband] Would you say the dead man made a reluctant corpse?
- Don Esteban: A loose tongue soon loses its mouth, Captain Orsini.
- Andrea Orsini: A wise tongue never needs to repeat itself, Don Esteban, nor does a competent assassin.
- Andrea Orsini: I believe that I was born and that I must die, and that I must make the best of what lies between the two extremes.
- Andrea Orsini: I asked to be taken to Duke Cesare Borgia.
- Don Esteban: By his orders I sit in his seat.
- Andrea Orsini: Well, sit lightly, my friend, lest you damage your brains.
- Cesare Borgia: [to Orsini] But the great know only one law: the outcome justifies the act. Have you the stomach for greatness?
- Andrea Orsini: The stomach and the appetite.
- Andrea Orsini: Heroism is a shallow thing, Madonna, if it isn't rooted in wisdom.
- Camilla Verano: I don't intend to be wise; I can only be what I am.