26 of 30 found this to have none
14 of 21 found this mild
Tom is hit over the head and survives he collapes in the doorway of his motel room with his family. The next morning the wound on his right cheek is seen briefly.
A woman is shot by a sheriff when he tries to shoot a fleeing man. Another man hits the police officer, knocking him unconscious. A man tells the police that he hit the sheriff.
One man threatens to shoot another man while pointing a gun at him, but he does not do so.
A man is clubbed in the head; he dies (the scene is at night and not bloody).
13 of 24 found this to have none
'H*ll' is said about two times.
'Jack*ssin' is said once.
10 of 20 found this mild
The main character smokes a cigarette.
A man mentions getting an old man drunk so that he will be easier to manager. They mix some "sleeping syrup" with coffee and he is next seen being carried.
Two men drink liquor from a bottle.
Some scenes with cigerette smoking.
12 of 20 found this mild
A truck was stopped by angry crowd holding planks.
A family watches as their home is demolished against their wishes.
The Joads including Tom have to avoid being caught by the local sherriffs. They try to hide the crimes that they did and accuse somebody else.
Starvation is a constant theme.