Kay Francis credited as playing...
Tanya Borodoff • Spot White • Marjorie Lang
- [last lines]
- Mrs. George Peters: Yoo hoo! I was just sayin' to George, I mustn't forget to say goodbye to that nice Miss Lang. You poor darling, we've been so worried about'cha. Course we knew all the time you were perfectly innocent, didn't we, George?
- [he nods]
- Mrs. George Peters: Why, I told him you wouldn't kill a fly.
- Marjorie Lang [aka Tanya Borodoff]: [demurely] Thank you.
- Mrs. George Peters: Well goodbye, my dear.
- Mr. George Peters: If you ever come to Topeka, why...
- Mrs. George Peters: Come along, George.
- Mr. George Peters: Did I say sumpin' wrong?
- Mrs. George Peters: No. Don't brag about Topeka.
- [Two-shot of Gregory and Tanya, aka Spot White, heading off to the "interior" to fight the dreaded Black Fever. Then closeup on Tanya, looking brave and noble]
- Tanya Borodoff: Life didn't mean a thing to me till I met you; now it means everything. There isn't anything in it that isn't you. That's why... sometimes I'm afraid of the future, afraid that I may lose you.
- Tony Evans: Darling, no one should mean that much to you. There's nothing more uncertain than the life of a man like me. You're so young and so beautiful, and you will be for a long time to come. Remember, no matter what happens, I want you to promise you'll keep your chin up. Promise? Always keep your chin up.
- Tanya Borodoff: [at Nick's Rangoon nightclub] All these girls, what are they?
- Tony Evans: Just like café girls anywhere.
- Tanya Borodoff: What do you mean?
- Tony Evans: I mean exactly that, my dear.
- Nick: [Tanya has just read Tony's note, in which he told her he's left. She's now at the mercy of Nick] You thought he loved you. Forget him. He's no good! Beautiful... I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to give you a nice job. Ah, that countess, she's getting too old. But you'll be an ornament to the place.
- Tanya Borodoff: Let me out of here!
- Nick: You can shriek in here for three weeks, and nobody will ever hear you. It was a question of you, or a cargo of guns. And you lost! I'm having your trunk sent to your room. From now on, this is your home!
- Tanya Borodoff: I'll show you, you lying coolie!
- Nick: Hmm?
- [slaps her across the face]
- Nick: You'll change your mind.
- [walks out of the room]
- Madame Lacalles: Good morning, Tanya. Still on hunger strike? You're making such a fool of yourself. If I had your beauty and my experience, hmm, what I could do.
- Madame Lacalles: [Tanya is unresponsive] Well, I don't suppose it's any use in my telling you. You'll have to find out for yourself. But if you've got any sense, you'll make the best of it. You'll go on living. And before you get through, you'll find out that it's easier to make men do what you want them to, than it is to fall in love, and have *them* make a fool of *you.* Anyway, you're pretty enough to go a long way - if you use your head.
- Madame Lacalles: [continues, as Tanya remains blank] You'd like to get away from here, wouldn't you? Well, make these thick-headed goats do it for you. Use them for everything they're worth. And then you can laugh at them, just like one of them is laughing at you now.
- Madame Lacalles: [continues] It's no use lying there, worrying like this. It doesn't get you anywhere. All you get out of it is a headache. And what can you do? Make the most of it.
- Tanya Borodoff: [casually lights a cigarette, exhales a puff of smoke] I think you're right. Thanks.
- Marjorie Lang [aka Tanya Borodoff]: [as they're on the riverboat steamer] Where are you going?
- Dr. Gregory Burton: Mandalay. Or rather, 50 miles inland - the black fever country.
- Marjorie Lang [aka Tanya Borodoff]: [taken aback] What?
- Dr. Gregory Burton: Yes. There's an epidemic there.
- Marjorie Lang [aka Tanya Borodoff]: Oh, how awful. Must you?
- Dr. Gregory Burton: I'm a doctor.
- Marjorie Lang [aka Tanya Borodoff]: Does a doctor's degree carry with it compulsory suicide? It is suicide, you know.
- Dr. Gregory Burton: You wouldn't understand.
- Marjorie Lang [aka Tanya Borodoff]: I rather think I do.
- Marjorie Lang [aka Tanya Borodoff]: Gregory, we arrive at Mandalay tomorrow. You're going up to the black fever country. Take me with you.
- Dr. Gregory Burton: Oh, I can't do that. Don't you realize there isn't one chance in a hundred of coming out of it alive?
- Marjorie Lang [aka Tanya Borodoff]: Listen: we are two wrecked people. We *need* one another.
- Dr. Gregory Burton: You mean... you mean, if we come through, perhaps together we can make something of ourselves?
- Marjorie Lang [aka Tanya Borodoff]: Isn't that our only hope?
- Col. Thomas Dawson - Police Commissioner: So, you're Spot White.
- Spot White [aka Tanya Borodoff]: Haven't we met before Colonel?
- Col. Thomas Dawson - Police Commissioner: No, this is my first look at you.
- Spot White [aka Tanya Borodoff]: Is it overwhelming you?
- Col. Thomas Dawson - Police Commissioner: Madam, will you be seated.
- Spot White [aka Tanya Borodoff]: Thank you. Mademoiselle will do.
- Col. Thomas Dawson - Police Commissioner: What's your real name?
- Spot White [aka Tanya Borodoff]: Still Spot White.
- Col. Thomas Dawson - Police Commissioner: I've had more complaints about you than any other woman in town.
- Spot White [aka Tanya Borodoff]: Really?
- Col. Thomas Dawson - Police Commissioner: Two officers were court marshaled on your account.
- Spot White [aka Tanya Borodoff]: Hmm. One boy spent the company's funds. He hired a yacht and we cruised down to Singapore. The other boy was - well, stupid but - generous.
- Col. Thomas Dawson - Police Commissioner: Why the devil haven't you behaved yourself? You seem intelligent.
- Spot White [aka Tanya Borodoff]: I am.
- Spot White [aka Tanya Borodoff]: All right, Colonel, let's be serious. At the Governor's Masquerade Ball last winter you met a certain young woman.
- Col. Thomas Dawson - Police Commissioner: How would you know?
- Spot White [aka Tanya Borodoff]: Was she charming? In spite of her mask?
- Col. Thomas Dawson - Police Commissioner: How dare you!
- Spot White [aka Tanya Borodoff]: I'm not being deported, you know. Oh, I may leave Rangoon. But, I'm leaving with 10,000 rupees of your money. Cigarette?
- Col. Thomas Dawson - Police Commissioner: No. Why, that's my cigarette case!
- Spot White [aka Tanya Borodoff]: With your private telephone number in the corner. You called me your itty-bitty-baby.
- Tanya Borodoff: I want to go up in the hills where it's cool.
- Purser: I don't blame you. Where to?
- Tanya Borodoff: Mandalay.
- Dr. Gregory Burton: It's getting hotter every minute, isn't it. How much longer have you got to stay on this stifling boat? Perhaps that's not my business.
- Marjorie Lang [aka Tanya Borodoff]: It's no secret. I'm going to Mandalay.
- Dr. Gregory Burton: Nothing very attractive about that place.
- Marjorie Lang [aka Tanya Borodoff]: Nothing but the cool, green hills. It's a place to rest.
- Dr. Gregory Burton: Cool, green hills. You're lucky.
- Tanya Borodoff: I've earned my freedom. I'm a human being again. You've got to understand and let me go!
- Mrs. George Peters: You certainly can wear clothes. You know, I bought a dress in Paris; but, I'm afraid to wear it. My husband made me take it off. He said I looked nude. You know, like a wet seal. It's funny how men are. They like to see other women wear things like that. But, they want their own wives to wear Mother Hubbard's. Haven't you noticed?
- Marjorie Lang [aka Tanya Borodoff]: Well, I've never been a wife.
- Mrs. George Peters: Well, you got somethin' comin' to you, my dear.