Why does it feel so awful to play, the first one was a nice, simplicity combat design, there was a block button and attack button, now I have to use both shoulder buttons to attack and press together to block and Perry, it feels way to flimsy, doesn't have the Power feeling I want.
And the game is so dark, It's hard to see anything, it has the perfect gross feeling, but I cannot see anything, the fov is low, every time I get hit I can't see anything, I feel like I get hit not because I can't attack but because I cannot see anything.
When mystery gets lifted and every question gets answered, but in a silly way, it take the horror out of it, It's more feels like hobos fighting hobos in this one.
As a game I just don't think it comes together. It has one amazing Bear level, it has combat that is fine, but doesn't compare to the original and it puts way too many guns in the game, I think it's a horrible game to play.
And the game is so dark, It's hard to see anything, it has the perfect gross feeling, but I cannot see anything, the fov is low, every time I get hit I can't see anything, I feel like I get hit not because I can't attack but because I cannot see anything.
When mystery gets lifted and every question gets answered, but in a silly way, it take the horror out of it, It's more feels like hobos fighting hobos in this one.
As a game I just don't think it comes together. It has one amazing Bear level, it has combat that is fine, but doesn't compare to the original and it puts way too many guns in the game, I think it's a horrible game to play.