Land of Bad (2024)
Good Despite Flaws
26 July 2024
We get Liam and Luke, but where's Chris? It's always cool seeing siblings acting together.

Land of Bad is actually quite good, for the most part. The last little portion, the climax, is heavy-handed and it overstays its welcome some. The rest of the movie shows off some talent. Most notable is the cinematography. It takes us in close with the characters and gives us some cool perspectives. It made what could have been a stereotypical and mediocre action film feel fresh.

The movie has more style than I was expecting. Perhaps a little too much on occasion but I don't like to nitpick. Director William Eubank shows us he has vision and potential. He just begins losing a bit of his tight grip on the whole thing as the movie begins to wrap up.

By the end, I felt that the tone was a little everywhere. One scene we're watching brutal violence and torture, and the next we're getting comedy and grocery shopping. There's such a contrast between what's happening in the war zone and what's happening on the other end of the comms. It's a little jarring sometimes.

Russel Crowe's character is quirky and fun and Liam Hemsworth's character is green but capable. Both stars do a fine job. I feel like the story gave me some insight into an area of military operations that I was unfamiliar with.

Overall, I enjoyed this movie that started strong and finished a little wobbly. It's pretty cool when a cinematographer takes the director's chair, and William Eubank has demonstrated he's talented in both areas, though in this case at least, he's a better cinematographer.
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