Abbey Grace (2016 Video)
19 July 2024
Despite the fact that I had never even heard about this 2016 horror movie titled "Abbey Grace", my love of the horror genre made me sit down and watch the movie, without knowing what I was getting myself into. Initially, I picked the movie up given the movie's cover.

Writers David Dittlinger and Stephen Durham put together a straightforward script, though it was somewhat on the bland side. There just wasn't enough of scary things happening throughout the course of the movie. And that made sitting through "Abbey Grace" feel like sitting through a film school project. Sure, the right intentions were there, but the movie just wasn't particularly entertaining or scary.

Needless to say that I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie. It was a pretty small cast ensemble, but I will say that the acting performance were actually fair, not great, but fair.

Visually then you're not in for anything great here, as the movie didn't really make use of special effects. There were a couple of attempts at jump-scares throughout the course of the 83 minutes that the movie ran for, but that was about it.

In fact, the movie's cover over-sold the movie by a landslide. Yeah, the cover was actually far more impressive than the contents of the actual movie turned out to be.

My rating of director Stephen Durham's 2016 movie "Abbey Grace" lands on a generous three out of ten stars.
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